Students block the Rectorate UB – Society


This morning, a group of students from the University of Belgrade blocked the Rectorate, unhappy with the fact that last night the invitation arrived to the first ordinary session of the new convocation of the Student Parliament of the University of Belgrade, which is scheduled for 18 hours today.

Students blocked Rectorate 1 of the UBPhoto: VA

The students are contesting the parliamentary elections and claim that in some faculties, the elections of student representatives were illegal. A conversation is ongoing with the rector of the University of Belgrade, Ivanka Popović.

As indicated in the students’ statement, they presented three requests to the Rector’s Collegium and the University Council, the first of which refers to the cancellation of that “strange session” and the prohibition to amend the Regulations and Organization of the Parliament of Students from the University of Belgrade (SPUB). of all faculties.

The other two requests refer to the nullity of illegal elections in the Faculty of Organization Sciences and the organization of re-elections, as well as the suspension of the use of the finances of the SPUB until the mandates of the delegates of all the faculties.

They also demanded the resignation of all members of the Electoral Commission.

“After the shameful electoral process that they have carried out so far, it is unnecessary to speak of them at all, as relevant factors of the entire electoral process, much less suffer them so that in an ignorant, careless and scandalous way, they continue to deal with electoral issues, what which we repeat, but they are not always completed in all faculties ”, is stated in the announcement of the Student Parliament.

The students said that if the above requirements were not met, they would be forced to “radicalize their fight for respect for the laws and principles of the University” and thus create an opportunity to finally work in the interest of their peers.

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