STUDENT CROWN DISCOVERED AFTER SCHOOL Another case of infection at Kragujevac primary school


At the “Vuk Karadzic” primary school in Kragujevac, a girl who attended classes on Tuesday was diagnosed with a corona infection.

As the school principal, Bojan Konatar, told “Blic”, “this is a sixth grader who was in class with her twin sister on the first day of the school year, and if her parents knew she was in risky contact with a person who was already suffering from Covid. “

– The girls were at school on Tuesday and their mother only took them to be tested for the corona virus that night. Yesterday, Thursday, they did not show up for class, and their mother called the school by phone that one of them tested positive for the corona virus – says our interlocutor.

According to him, both girls are in quarantine.

– It is still not clear to us why the parents sent their children to school, and if they knew they were in risky contact, and already the same day, after school, they took them to the tests. The Institute of Public Health has ordered that their classroom be disinfected, and all children must wear masks without any interruption during their stay at school – says Bojan Konatar, emphasizing that all measures taken by schools are meaningless if parents They are not so conscientious and conscientious to behave responsibly towards their own children and those of others.

VIDEO: Rules of Conduct at School During the COVID-19 Epidemic
