Stronger military health for 136 doctors (PHOTO)


MINISTER STEFANOVIĆ IN MMA: Military health is stronger for 136 doctors (PHOTO)

Photo: Ministry of Defense

Today, at the Academy of Military Medicine, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense, Dr. Nebojsa Stefanovic, handed over the decisions to enter the service for an indefinite and defined time to the Directorate of Military Health of the Ministry of Defense. He emphasized that 136 young people, medical technicians, doctors, pharmacists and other medical workers were admitted, not only to the Military Medical Academy, where about 90 of them will work, but also to other military medical institutions. – Following the message sent by President Vučić to strengthen the health and capacity of our army, this important institution received the necessary reinforcement and strengthens its human resources, so that we can provide comprehensive care, attention and medical protection to all citizens of Serbia – Minister Stefanović said.

photo: Ministry of Defense

The defense minister noted that in addition to the ongoing fight against the corona virus, military medical institutions provide medical protection to the citizens of Serbia on a daily basis in all situations where they need such help. – The Academy of Military Medicine is open 24 hours a day. You can come at any time and ask for help from the best doctors who will fight to cure you and help you, said Minister Stefanović, emphasizing that the Military Medical Academy is one of the pillars and pillars not only of military health, but of health in Serbia. usually.

photo: Ministry of Defense

Minister Stefanović spoke about the importance of military health before and today, after visiting the exhibition on military ambulance in World War I and the fight against typhus, exhibited in the MMA room, testifying that the military ambulance always it has been a support to the citizens, even in the most difficult years of war. and today in combat during the Kovid-19 virus pandemic. – The exhibition shows how many people in the military ambulance then fought against typhus, which was the biggest plague that affected us in the First World War, since when more than 235,000 people died in three waves, but it also shows how many military doctors and military health The personnel fought to protect their army and their population in the most difficult moments. I would draw a parallel, because I see it today. When Kovid-19 appeared, the military doctors, nurses, technicians and other personnel did not flee, they did not take refuge, they did not hesitate, but from the first day until today they are fighting to be at all times in the defense of their homeland, to help your population and to protect the strength of your army in a medical sense and I commend you for that. They are people who deserve all the trust, all the attention and all the respect – emphasized the Minister of Defense.

photo: Ministry of Defense

He congratulated the new members of the military health and said that much is expected of them, that they will rise to the task shown by their senior colleagues and protect their Serbia, their army and their people. Due to the recommendations of the crisis staff and the actions of the Government of the Republic of Serbia during the Kovid-19 virus pandemic, only two solutions were delivered today. One of the 136 new members of the military health service is the anesthesiology specialist, Miloš Petković, who is 34 years old and completed his specialization at the Academy of Military Medicine. He thanked the Ministry of Defense, Minister Stefanović and the Head of the Military Medical Academy for their confidence. “I appreciate the opportunity and it is a great honor for me to be part of the medical team of the Military Medical Academy,” Petković said.

photo: Ministry of Defense

Anica Božović graduated from the Higher School of Medicine in Zemun and today thanked Minister Stefanović, Director of the Military Medical Academy and Chief Nurse for being among the new members of military medical care. – This means a lot to me to keep training and fight for greater success – said 27-year-old Anica Božović.

During today’s visit, Minister Stefanović learned about the work and mission of one of the largest military hospitals in this area, as well as the history of that military health institution, which was discussed by the Head of the Military Medical Academy, Colonel Prof. Dr. Miroslav Vukosavljevic.

photo: Ministry of Defense

Minister Stefanović visited the hyperbaric chamber, and then became convinced of how the MMA Emergency Center works and how the admission and triage department established in front of the Center works, formed on March 17, where more than 60,000 patients have been examined since the beginning of the coronavirus epidemic. Today’s visit was also attended by the Head of the Military Health Administration of the Ministry of Defense, Major General Dr. Uglješa Jovićić.


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