STRANGE CHILD MURDER PLANS The brothers reported that they found the boss dead, spoke with the family, brought a coffin to the funeral, and then it was revealed they KILLED HIM


Brothers Nikola M. (34) and Marko M. (39), suspected of killing businessman Draško Vulić (46) on October 8 this year in the area of ​​the MIN Kopex factory in Niš, carried his coffin at the funeral said his wife. , outraged that the killers were from his close circle.

The brothers devised a “cunning” plan thinking that they would not be discovered. That is, they informed the police that they found Draško dead on their way back from lunch, to which he apparently sent them. However, a few days later, it turned out that the brothers were suspects in this crime.

The unfortunate man died from being struck with a mace and an ax!

According to unofficial information, NM’s younger brother allegedly hit the businessman first, who initially managed to defend himself, however, he still finished him off with a mace. In the end, the older brother told the police everything, but the younger brother still denies everything, so the circumstances of the event are still being determined, a source from Blic previously confirmed.

Draško V.Photo: Social networks

Draško V.

Incidentally, immediately after the crime, the brothers told the police that they “saw a man” who encountered the murdered Draško that day and was apparently wearing a gray jacket. They quietly waited for the police to arrive when they announced that they had found the body.

– The two were questioned by the police immediately after the murder and, after giving evidence, were released. They said that around 4 p.m. on Thursday, their boss told them to go to lunch, and as they were leaving the factory they noticed a man in a gray jacket approaching the plant. They said Drasko did not order them to leave, was unpleasant or in a rush, a source previously said.

Nis murder in the factoryPhoto: B. Janačković / RAS Serbia

Nis murder in the factory

At the time, the key to the entire investigation was thought to be in the mysterious visitor. It was also rumored that the businessman had fights with a representative of another company that was competitive with him. One of the directions of the investigation was as thieves. However, after the businessman’s funeral, it turned out that the killers “were close to the family” all the time.

Draško’s wife said she believed the police would find the culprits, but was also “shocked by the fact that it was Marko and Nikola.”

– They even came to his funeral. One of them was carrying a suitcase. They swore they didn’t know what had happened. My husband paid them well, they always paid them on time. I will demand the maximum penalties for them. The children wake up every morning and ask to go with their father. We were a happy family. How will I do it without him? – Drasko’s wife, Ana Vulic, told “Novosti”.

Workers killed the owner of the funeral home in Uzice

Much the same happened two years ago in Uzice, when Sava Gacanin (65), otherwise a funeral home owner in that city, was assassinated, and when it later turned out that two workers participated in his murder.

On December 4, the Uzice High Court sentenced Vladimir Bozovic (31) to 35 years, while his former friend Milovan Cekicevic (31), who knew about the murder, was sentenced to nine months in prison in the same procedure for having him stolen 1,000 euros from Gacanin.

Savo GačaninPhoto: Miloš Cvetković / RAS Serbia

Savo Gačanin

According to Gačanin’s relatives, it was Čekićević who transported his boss’s remains from the chapel to the cemetery on the day of the funeral and wept over his grave. Although he caught him stealing, Gačanin left Čekićević at work and did not report him to the police on the condition that he return the money.
