Stosovic Allergist: We don’t have to suffer from AMBROSIA, this is a CURE


“This allergy is the cause of what we call the disease of the 21st century, which means that the number that we register in our clinics is in line with the trends given in the epidemiological movement of allergies,” explained Dr. Radojica Stosovic, allergist, on the morning show. In recent years, there has been a large increase in the number of people with typical symptoms of respiratory allergies, especially during the bloom of weed pollen.

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He added that this trend has been present in recent decades and represents a continuation of what was previously published and known to medicine, and described the presence of allergies as an epidemic.

Ragweed is one of the “most common, dangerous and most allergenic pollens that makes life bitter,” the allergist emphasized, while other weeds, pollen from black wormwood, sea buckthorn, sorrel and other weeds, which do not even lag behind ragweed, stand out as frequent allergens.

Dr. Radojica Stosovic pointed out to RTS that the role of these allergens is extremely large and that is why the number of people with problems is growing.

People who are bothered by ragweed and other plants are tired, sleepy, have weaker concentrations, do not sleep properly, are unable to perform normal physical activities, and all of this affects their quality of life.

Are you allergic to ragweed?

Are you allergic to ragweed?Photo: Profimedia

There are three main treatment strategies for allergies. In the first, patients are advised to strictly avoid contact with pollen from weeds, the allergist noted (admittedly, this is not so easy to do).

Regarding the second strategy, the largest number of patients rely on drug therapy, which is recommended to all and is a support in the fight against allergies.

“However, we have a trend that is very specific, 30 percent of patients do not respond, that is, there is not a good response to the drugs that we use every day, and then we move on to the third strategy that is crucial today. in day, and that’s the immunotherapy or a known vaccine, “Stosovic said. for RTS and added that the drugs perfectly eliminate the symptoms of the disease, but that they cannot cure, that is, “they cannot force the organism to acquire tolerance to these pollens and thus stop the difficulties”.

“It is a therapeutic procedure by which we modulate or change the immune response of our patients who have pollen allergies and force their bodies to create tolerance to the presence of pollen in the air, and thus avoid the continuation of allergies. “They will have the presence of problems and they will reduce them by almost half, and some will not need medication,” explained the allergist, “he explained.

Allergic reaction to ragweed

Allergic reaction to ragweedPhoto: Profimedia

This therapy is present in a modern form and does not require going to the doctor, but it can be applied at home.

It’s called sublingual therapy, which has been gaining momentum in recent decades. The allergist Stosovic said that patients should, above all, be informed that the drug exists and pointed out that many doctors do not know how to say that and do not tell their patients. He called on colleagues, and especially patients, to turn to their doctors and request an examination by an allergist, who is the only one indicated to say when such immunotherapy is needed.

“We don’t have to suffer, there is a cure,” Stosovic said.

According to the decision of the European Aerobiology Agency, the permitted concentration of pollen tolerated in the air is 32 pollen grains per cubic meter of air, with the exception of ragweed where it is eight grains.

“Today we have more than 1,000 and 1,500 pollen grains and that is why we have to apply these measures,” said the doctor, who recommended that the windows be opened in the afternoon and at night, and not in the morning, because then the concentration pollen is high.

“We must make maximum use of air conditioners in apartments and cars, and take therapy before each outing in nature, then wash our clothes when we return and take off and remove the pollen that we brought with us,” he said at the end, he writes RTS.
