Stormy wind in Valjevo broke trees, carried containers and roofs


WIND BLOWING 100 PER HOUR: Stormy wind in Valjevo broke trees, carried containers and roofs

Photo: Youtube Printscreen

VALJEVO – A stormy wind that blew for several hours last night, and whose gusts reached a speed of almost 100 kilometers per hour, broke trees, removed some roofs, transported containers, as well as refrigerators placed on the street.

The consequences of the strong storm that hit Valjevo should be known during the day, as it is expected that they will realize the damage suffered by citizens.

At the Valjevo Meteorological Station we were informed that around 7:00 p.m. a strong wind began to blow, which later became a stormy wind, whose gusts reached 97 kilometers per hour, which is not usual in the region of Valjevo.

In the center of Valjevo, a stormy wind blew the roof of the Business School, while numerous trees were cut down in the Pećina Park. In JKP “Vidrak”, they say that their teams are in the field and that they are mainly removing trees that fell on certain roads, and after that, other fallen trees will be removed. It is not yet known whether the stormy wind caused further damage to the surrounding villages of Valjevo.

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