STORM WINDS BLOW BELGRADE This is the kind of weather that awaits us tomorrow


There is currently a strong wind blowing in Belgrade, making it seem noticeably colder. The strongest wind is in Vojvodina, 10 meters per second, while in Belgrade, according to data from the Republic Hydrometeorological Institute, it blows at a speed of 7 meters per second.

Partly cloudy with sunny intervals is expected tomorrow in Serbia. In the morning and before noon, rains and thunders are expected in western and northwestern Serbia, and later in the day they are possible as a local phenomenon in other areas, except in the south and southeast, where they will remain dry.

Photo: RHMZ / screenshot

The wind will blow from different directions: in most of the country still to the south, in the Košava area and in the mountains moderate and strong, and in the south of Banat stormy with a tendency to weaken during the afternoon, while in the west and northwest of Serbia the wind will be much weaker. in northwest.

The lowest temperature is 10-20 degrees, and the highest is 22 in the Negotin region to 31 degrees in southeastern Serbia.

In Belgrade, partly cloudy with sunny intervals and relatively warm, but also with the possibility of brief showers with thunder in some parts of the city or its surroundings.

Photo: RHMZ / screenshot

Wind from the south and southeast weakening and a short-term turn to the west.

The lowest temperature is around 20 degrees and the highest around 27 degrees.

Cooler next week

In Serbia, on Monday, it will be partly cloudy with intervals of sun and warm, and short showers with thunder will be local. A moderate and strong wind will blow in the mountains and in the Košava area, and a stormy wind from the southeast in the south of Banat.

Rainfall will be more frequent on Tuesday and Wednesday with refreshment everywhere from five to eight degrees, but also weakening of the wind.

On Thursday the rainfall and partial clearance stopped, and on Friday and weekends, mostly sunny with an increase in temperature.

VIDEO: Big storm in New Belgrade
