STORM AFTER TEACHER’S SUGGESTION FOR STUDENTS TO BURN INCENSE: The principal of the school also spoke – here is the epilogue


That is, the day before the school bells marked the start of the school year, the teacher at the primary school “Ivo Lola Ribar” in Novi Sad sent a proposal to the parents of her students. Says the following:

– Do you agree to light incense in our classroom every day before classes and say the Lord’s Prayer? It is written in the Viber parent group message written by a teacher of a fourth grade class with a picture that says “Where incense is lit, there is no virus.”

Today, the day after everything reached social networks and the media, we received for the first time an invitation from a mother whose teacher is the author of the controversial proposal. She was willing to tell the other side of the story and defend the teacher. However, later, after speaking with the school principal, she told us that the principal would still give a statement on the whole case.

We contacted the principal of the school, Sasa Gajic, who told us that yesterday she found out about the whole case, that she contacted all the competent institutions and that all the controversial actions were suspended.

– Immediately after learning about the activities of the 4/3 class teacher that are not foreseen by the Work Plan adopted by the Council of Teachers at the proposal of the Quality Assurance and Development Team of the Institution and the Pedagogical College, I suspended the activities of the teacher. and technological development of the Republic of Serbia – declared the director of “Blic”.

The school principal apologized on behalf of the school and on his own behalf to all the students and their parents who were affected by these activities.

– The school has made great efforts to guarantee the normal work and functioning of the classes during these difficult circumstances during the Kovid 19 pandemic – he said.

The school director also indicated that a meeting of all the bodies and representatives of the Parents’ Council is scheduled for tomorrow in order to decide whether the teacher will bear the consequences.

– The competent organs of the school will decide on the determination of the possible responsibility of the teacher in the following period – concluded the director.


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