Stop BAGATO LUMPOVANJE AT CLUBS until it’s too late! The crown is wild, the measures are brutally violated and the COMPETITORS squint at all that.


We have been recording alarming numbers from the crown in Serbia in recent days. Experts warn that it will be even worse very soon, next week we may have a thousand infected a day, we are threatened by a scenario with hospitals before the collapse and many deaths. The clubs are working through all of this as if there is no pandemic, they are busy, people are relaxing, they are violating all possible prescribed measures and the authorities are squinting. It’s time to do something until it’s too late!


– a measure that prohibits the gathering of more than 30 people, except for cultural events where the maximum is 500 people

– often work even after 23 hours, as long as allowed

– The guards don’t even know they should have them.

– the distance is not respected

– None of the guests wear masks

We saw a lot of popular club recordings from all over Serbia, but especially from the capital. There is no talk of the distance, everything is full, the masks do not seem to go with the style of the night, because nobody uses them … Corona catastrophe in the advertisement!

Although it is well prescribed what we are allowed to do and what we are not allowed to do, we are witnessing that these measures are not respected. What is the problem? The epidemiologists of the Crisis Staff justify that it is a matter of a legal nature.

– Yesterday’s number cannot be ignored (512 infected in 24 hours, write it down). There was a lot of talk about the violation of the measures and in some way it is important that we first bring that situation to the level to be measured and implemented. Some continue to violate the measures and can no longer be tolerated. Some corrections to the legal response will have to be made to toughen penalties, said Epidemiologist Dr. Predrag Kon, a member of the Crisis Staff today.

Who is responsible?

When asked what measures should be legally implemented, Dr. Kon notes that it becomes clear when we know that we have a ban on gathering more than 30 people and a ban on working after 11pm, and that they are persistently raped.

However, it is not clear who is responsible for that.

Predrag KonPhoto: Slobodan Miljevic / Tanjug

Predrag Kon

– That is a question for all authorities that are obliged to implement it. What I can say is that indeed, within the legal registry, there must be who and how controls, supervision and sanction in specific cases. I would not interpret anything in the field of legal dilemmas, I leave that to lawyers, inspections and authorities – he says.

Let’s go in order. What are the measurements for catering facilities?

First of all, some time ago, the working hours of cafes and restaurants were reduced to 11 p.m. Fact number one says that it is heavily violated, that the parties are held behind closed doors until the early hours, and that is one introduction to the next.

Under two, as a valid measure, a maximum meeting of up to 30 people has recently been introduced. The recordings show us that this number has been violated many times.

Photo: Private archive

And what about the kovid wardens that every catering facility with more than two employees should have? It is also one of the measures adopted by the Crisis Staff last Friday. Your task is to check if the guests respect all the measures, but as our reporters were convinced on Monday, most of the caterers have not even heard of such a thing.

But let’s get back to the point. Why does the State not order the work of the restoration facilities? What is the problem?

Branislav TiodorovićPhoto: Slobodan Miljevic / Tanjug

Branislav Tiodorović

Yesterday, epidemiologist Dr. Branislav Tiodorović spoke for “Blic” on this issue, stressing that “crisis personnel cannot punish anyone, because that is what state institutions should do.”

– We, the crisis personnel, especially the team of experts, do not have the right to sanction anyone, the corresponding state services do so. These are inspections and communal militias. There is a problem related to legal regulations, whether or not it can be applied, and that is why we are waiting for the Assembly to be constituted, to toughen up some laws, which until now have not allowed the sanctions to be fully implemented. And the other thing is that it can be posed as a question why the inspections do not do their job until the end or the communal militia. They are few, so that they can visit and control everything, and that is why citizens were introduced to send a message via Viber, since we receive images, where a large number of people are in a club without using any protection measures. In addition, people must constantly repeat what they should do, and what is good to note is that the vast majority of them really respect the measures, while we also have those who do the opposite – says the epidemiologist.

Four inspectors for all of Belgrade!

“Blic” also tried to find answers in the laws themselves to the questions of why irresponsible people are not punished …

One of the problems is that according to the current Law for the Protection of the Population from Infectious Diseases, sanctions for non-compliance with anti-epidemiological measures, specifically nightclubs, can only be imposed by national health inspectors. And they are so few that in Belgrade, in the previous two and a half months, only four of them participated in the control actions in letters and numbers!

Along with them, the control was carried out by 18 tourist, environmental and community inspectors, who can impose sanctions only for non-compliance with the day, noise, etc … They were also helped by 31 community militiamen.

Photo: screenshot

Considering that there are thousands of catering services in Belgrade alone, it is clear that such a small number of people cannot keep the situation under control. Therefore, the regular police and the communal militia must participate more specifically and extensively in the action, but with broader powers in terms of punishment.

The Sanitary Inspection of the Republic affirms for “Blic” that they are giving their maximum and that greater coordination of services is needed.

– Our inspectors work literally day and night. Keep in mind that punishing is not a quick and easy job. Just to make a record, list irregularities, write a report, take statements takes at least an hour. That is why we need the help of other inspection services, the police and the communal militia, so that they control the catering facilities to a greater extent, and that when they determine that irregularities call the competent inspector, they emphasize the inspection.

With regard to Belgrade, in the previous two and a half months, 6,832 facilities were monitored and 296 absence orders and 120 requests to initiate foul procedures were issued. Of the 296 misdemeanor orders mentioned, 163 were issued by the tourist inspection!

The president of the Belgrade Misdemeanor Court, Olivera Ristanović, tells “Blic” that less than a month ago, the court received the first requests to initiate proceedings for non-compliance with epidemiological measures. Applications to the judge for minor offenses are made only by health inspectors.

Belgrade, rafts, clubs, crown Photo: Milan Ilic / RAS Serbia

Belgrade, rafts, clubs, crown

– So far, 101 requests have been received to initiate proceedings for misconduct, mostly against catering establishments, restaurants, fast food, business shops and even a shopping center. All cases were distributed to the judges and, where pre-legal conditions existed, proceedings were initiated and a hearing was scheduled. It must be borne in mind that the court cannot schedule any hearing without meeting the deadlines for delivering the summons and preparing the defense of the accused, which is at least 30 days from when the judge receives the case. This means that the first hearings will be in November – Ristanovic emphasizes and adds that “all the cases received by the Juvenile Misdemeanor Court were made immediately independently of other cases because the safety and health of citizens are in the first place.”

Our interlocutor points out that the Belgrade Misdemeanor Court received a total of eight final and executive misconduct orders for the execution of the fine imposed in the amount of 30,000 dinars, according to the Commerce Law and the Hospitality Law, and these orders were issued by the municipal inspection of the city. In addition to these orders, 10 requests for a court decision on the notified misdemeanor orders were filed with the court.

Laws must be changed

The laws just mentioned should be changed soon. In Serbia, a more severe punishment must begin for non-compliance with epidemiological measures, which is why the Serbian Assembly must approve amendments to certain laws at its first regular session.

Thus, in the future, not wearing masks, indoors, would be fined 5,000 dinars, but on the spot, without a judicial process, as is the case today.

Until that happens, will anyone react? It is time to do something. Ultimately, the phrase has never been more accurate. We are entering a time when the crown is heating up, when any oversight of measurements can cost us. Someone’s life

If someone dies tomorrow from the coronavirus, and it was transmitted to them by someone who listened to music at dawn and partied at the club until dawn, everyone will be to blame, both those who have fun and those who allowed it.
