STOLEN TOURIST AGENCY! You ran out of money and without repairs! Putinists are told to be happy if they get 15 percent of the money!


More than 100 passengers of the agency “MM Tours” of Nis not only run out of paid trips, but can not even return the money paid! After the compensation claim presented by this agency to “Millennium Insurance”, with which it had a policy, the insurance company states that it found that the owner of the agency had money in the account, but that he deliberately wanted to take the company to bankruptcy and filed against it. Criminal charges.

Mariana Andrejić is registered with the Trade Records Agency (APR) as the owner of “MM Tours” and, as Kurir unofficially finds out, those matters were handled by her husband Milan Andrejić, who died of Kovid 19.

Death of the owner

“Millennium Insurance” explains to Kurir that they had signed an insurance policy with the agency “MM Tours” of Nis, which covers the risks of insolvency and liability of the agency for damage caused to the passenger with the period from January 1 to September 20, 2020.

– At the time of the death of the owner of “MM Tours Travel”, there were several million dinars in the accounts of that agency, on July 29, 2020, all business accounts were still active, and the agency had accounts for the payment of benefits direct base of aid to companies due to the pandemic and kovid 19 disease. Therefore, the insurance company “Millennium Insurance” filed a criminal complaint against his wife, heiress and new owner and legal representative of the agency before the Superior Prosecutor’s Office of Nis, a special department for the repression of corruption. that he committed the crime of abusing the position of responsible person along with the crime of causing false bankruptcy – it was said to Kurir of “Millennium Insurance” adding that additional procedures in passenger compensation claims will continue immediately after the procedure.

No way

Goran Papovic, president of the National Organization for Consumer Protection (NOPS), says people will have a hard time getting their money out.

– My associates called that agency and introduced themselves as buyers of the deal. They told us to be happy if they returned 15% of our money! People have been collecting money all year long, someone’s child may have needed to see the sea for the first time in their lives and now they run out of travel or money. Some rogue agencies have been misleading passengers for years, going out of business and then opening new agencies, and many have not even paid the full amount of the insurance policy since last year, which is why insurance companies are now unable to pay. compensation: Papovic told Kurir and added:

– On the other hand, there are large agencies that have been working honestly and honorably for 20 years, and suffer because of some scammers. The problem is also in the tourist inspection, there cannot be three inspectors for all of Vojvodina!

This “MM tours” was not removed from APR and still offers tours

According to the APR data, Mariana Andrejić from Niš was registered as the owner of the agency “MM Tours”, and this agency was delisted on June 12 last year. And the agency “MM tours travel”, which was also in the name of Mariana Andrejić, and at the same address, was registered on September 3, 2019 and declared bankrupt on July 20, 2020. On the site of “MM tours “some preparations are still being announced. Yesterday, no one responded to all of the phone numbers listed on the agency’s website, or they were not working, and we received no answers to questions officially emailed.

photo: Marina Lopicic

Aleksandar Senicic

The agency was not a member of Utah.

Aleksandar Senicic, director of the National Organization of Travel Agencies of Serbia (Utah), says that “MM Tours” was not a member of his organization, but that he is aware that there is a problem with compensation of passengers.

– If the agency committed a crime or there were irregularities in their work, the insurance company with which they had a policy is not obliged to pay the passengers – Senicic told Kurir.

Jelena Pronić

delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
