Stojković: The real price of the test is around 3,000 dinars, there is no justification for raising the price.


The increase in the price of the PCR test from six to nine thousand dinars has no rational explanation, nor many things in this pandemic, said Oliver Stojković, a professor at the Faculty of Medicine.

“The 50 percent price increase has no economic justification, taking into account that these are tests that cost about 10 euros at the beginning of the pandemic, and that now the price has dropped to five euros for the test.” I am talking about the prices at which we, as a Faculty, for example, purchase these tests. Now, there is no economic justification for raising the price of that service, “Stojković noted on TV Nova S.

He estimated that the previous price of 6,000 dinars for the PCR test was high, and that he would understand that when you factor in all the costs of the person performing the test, that test costs 3 to 4,000 dinars.

He pointed out that the reason could be that the register of the Republic Health Insurance Fund is empty and that this is a way to fill it.

“How does the fund charge citizens for testing when they pay contributions to that fund in advance?” In no country do these profit funds exist and they should not charge citizens for these services in this way. We buy those chemicals and tests with our own money, and now RHIF is selling them to us, “he warned.

The fact that they are on-demand tests could be a justification that, according to him, the RHIF has delegated to other institutions or private laboratories to carry out these tests.

Stojković cautioned that many citizens, who had symptoms and therefore the right to free tests, were paying for PCR so that patients did not have to wait in lines for several hours in front of kovid clinics.

“Considering that health is priceless, they chose to pay to get tested even though they have health insurance,” he explained.

Speaking about the number of people tested and infected in Serbia, Stojković noted that it has long been clear to everyone that the officially announced data has nothing to do with reality and estimated that the proportion of PCR tests in the total number of daily testing is around 30 percent.
