Stevanović: Hospitals are full, patients increasingly difficult, do not treat yourself at home


The director of the Infectious Diseases Clinic, Goran Stevanović, stated that the situation with the coronavirus in Serbia is becoming more and more difficult, that hospital capacities are more and more complete and that there are more and more patients with a more clinical picture. serious and difficult. Doctors say that 360 patients are currently hospitalized at the CBC “Dragiša Mišović” and 405 positive patients in Zvezdara.

After the Health Minister’s meeting with the directors of covid hospitals in Serbia, Stevanović said that because of that, the possibility was considered that all patients who are in “oxygen places in the recovery phase” would be placed in institutions that do not have a central oxygen supply. for patients with a severe clinical picture.

“The number of reports to the Kovid clinic and the number of hospital admissions is not decreasing, the trend lately is that patients with more serious clinical conditions come to us, who have spent a few days sick at home. , at home, without consulting with the doctors who work in the covid system ”, emphasized Stevanović.

In “Mišović”, 360 patients

The director of KBC “Dragisa Misovic”, Vladimir Djukic, says that 360 patients were hospitalized in that institution.

“Almost 90 in intensive care units. Our capacity of places for patients who require ventilatory support is large, but the patients are difficult, they require a lot of staff and all the other resources. We have 20 sick children, 20 mothers with them, we have many pregnant women. complicated that require and treatment by infectologists, intensivists and gynecologists ”, added.

As you said, the capabilities of the hospital in “Mišović” have never been more complete.

“The Batajnica hospital relaxed a bit, but it also filled with 320 patients in two and a half days,” says Djukic.

In Zvezdara, 405 patients with covid symptoms

KBC Zvezdara’s Petar Svorcan says the hospital is at full capacity and they currently have 405 patients with kovid symptoms.

Of that, he adds, 50 patients are in the intensive care unit, and 24 of them have been intubated.

“From Friday until today, we have received 116 patients, we have discharged the same number, patients with a difficult condition dominate and all those who are admitted require oxygen support,” Svorcan emphasized.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
