Stepinac will NOT be declared a saint without the consent of the Serbian Orthodox Church


The canonization of Cardinal Mantenimientozije Stepinac should be a moment of unity for the entire Church, both Catholic and Orthodox. As there is still resistance from the Orthodox side, until further notice, Stepinac will not be declared a saint, the most important message from the Secretary of State of the Holy See, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, from an interview he gave to the Catholic weekly “Glas Koncila”.

Cardinal Pietro Parolin is the most important associate of Pope Francis, and last week he was in Croatia. The most interesting part of the interview is the one in which he talks about Stepinac, and explains that canonization is impossible as long as there is resistance from the Serbian Orthodox Church, reports “Jutarnji list”, estimating that this is the first time that the Vatican acknowledges conversations between Croatian and Serbian bishops. the Bishop of Stepinac disappeared.

The Secretary of State of the Holy See added that there were no new details “in relation to what has already been said about the canonization of Cardinal Stepinac, in the sense in which it was explained to the bishops and in which the bishops explained it to the people.” .

Pjetro ParolinPhoto: Profimedia

Pjetro Parolin

– The Pope has chosen the methodology of trying to get closer to the positions, even when it comes to the issue that separates them (the Serbian Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church in Croatia). I also believe that this methodology is the most correct. The position of the Pope is known that dialogue is the only instrument that allows to overcome differences – said, among other things, Parolin.

A phase of that dialogue took place and, as he said, it did not achieve any special results because there was no convergence of opinions.

– But I think this is the way to go with renewed will. At the end of the meeting, the wish was expressed for the dialogue to continue, so we hope that it will become a reality and bear fruit – concluded Cardinal Parolin.

For the ecclesiastical circles of Zagreb, these comments from the Pope’s closest collaborator are not a surprise, says “Jutarnji list”, referring to the statement of the priest who knows well the relations between the Croatian Church and the Vatican.

However, he adds that “it is regrettable that the Vatican has more understanding of the Serbian Orthodox Church than its views,” and that there is no understanding of Croats in the Vatican, as was the case during the pontificate of John Paul II. .

– Pope Francis marked the rapprochement of Catholicism and Orthodoxy as one of the main objectives, and Stepinac is an obstacle on that path – said the interlocutor of the Croatian newspaper.

According to him, none of the Croatian bishops are happy with the Pope’s policy, but none of them are allowed to speak publicly about it.

– We can only hope that some future Pope will declare Stepinac a saint, because that should not be expected of Francis, which was definitively confirmed by Cardinal Parolin – concluded the interlocutor on the list.
