Stefanovic: We want “Serbian” amber alert



Interior Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic spoke with the president of the Amber Alert Europe Foundation, Frank Hohen, and the director of the network of police experts for missing persons, Damjan Miklic, about the possibility of signing a memorandum of understanding with these organizations. and establish cooperation, emphasizing that it wants a “Serbian” Amber Alert.

In the conversation via the video link, Stefanović noted that the Interior Ministry is ready and open for talks on the modalities of cooperation regarding the introduction of the Amber alert system in Serbia, in accordance with the positive Serbian legislation, reported the Ministry of the Interior.

He indicated that the Ministry of the Interior, in the cases of missing children, carries out all activities immediately and without delay, assuming that the missing child is in danger, until proven otherwise.

According to him, the objective of the Ministry is to adequately respond to all risks that can lead to the disappearance of children, in order to avoid lasting consequences for their health.

The Minister pointed out that the passage of time is essential during the disappearance of children and the processing of such cases.

Hohen welcomed the readiness of the Ministry of the Interior to be part of Europe’s Amber Alert and assessed that the way Serbian police act in missing children cases is efficient and good, adding that the organization is willing to provide all the assistance and support necessary for the construction of the Ministry of the Interior in this area. .

Miklic pointed out that in the cases of missing children, the exchange of information is of crucial importance and expressed the willingness of this organization to cooperate with the Serbian police in this area.
