Stefanović told the head of the EU Delegation to become a political accomplice of the regime – Politika


“He is helping those who do not want Serbia in the EU and who have stopped our European path. This makes him directly responsible for stopping Serbia’s European integration, “Stefanovic said in an open letter, citing Fabricio’s public appearances at the sessions of the National Convention for EU Accession and the Serbian Parliamentary Committee.

Stefanovic asked Fabricio in which EU parliament he could see “directed and prolonged persecution of dissidents, slander and insults of actors, teachers, journalists” and “where there is public competition to lie and slander opposition leaders, or a parliament of single regime without opposition “. which is declared an anti-state element “.

“In which EU country is it possible to have a president who calls dissidents mice and asks them to kill him with a mallet, attacks objective media and journalists, comments on court rulings and the work of the prosecution?” Where is the EU Integration Minister shouting and arguing with representatives of the non-governmental sector and saying that everything is fine and that integration is progressing, besides that she has not opened any chapter? “Let’s not talk about closing the negotiating chapters,” Stefanović said.

Stefanovic said that the “successful and continuous reforms of Fabricija is that there is no bidding without the price being inflated at least three times and that only people close to the government get jobs, on top of that because of their spending on crazy projects, bots of the party and corruption “in Serbia. today almost two million people live in poverty.

“Obviously, it is okay for him to mark with ‘reforms and progress’ that almost all the media in Serbia have been captured and exclusively promote the will of the leader,” Stefanovic said.

He said that the head of the EU delegation in Serbia supports “the fact that the government is not able to cope with the coronary virus pandemic, that they twice declared victory over the crown and organized sham elections in which they already nobody in Europe believes. “

“It is normal for you to have a man in power who first promises 1.8 million vaccines for the New Year, then reduces them to a million, and now he promises the famous 5,000 vaccines!” At the same time, because of his lies and frivolity, we have thousands of people waiting to be treated by doctors in abnormal conditions, “wrote Stefanovic, adding that according to Fabricio, the progress is that the health system in Serbia is due to the inability of the government to shoot and the heroism of health workers.

He added that “all major infrastructure projects in Serbia have been secretly agreed, often with Chinese, Russian and Turkish companies”, and have produced “an unprecedented growth of Serbian public debt to almost 50 billion euros”.

Also, you said that ‘the reforms have not stopped’. What reforms have not stopped? The ones that took us to the infamous first place in the number of deaths from coronavirus in relation to the 100,000 inhabitants in Europe, or those that put us in first place in corruption in Europe according to the Basel Institute? Perhaps those who made Serbia a hybrid regime and unfree state, according to Freedom House? “Or those reforms that are extremely negatively indicated by two reports from the European Commission and numerous reactions from the European Parliament,” asked Stefanovic.

Stefanović said that the government, which “unconditionally supports and abolishes the Factory”, “will not meet the criteria of Chapters 23 and 24 for five human lives.”

“You know this well, but you are silent. Why are you silent? That should not be the purpose of your mission in Serbia. Ambassador Fabrizi, you represent the EU in Serbia. EU membership is our strategic goal. It may be too late for your reputation. It is something you have to live with. We will not let it be too late for the reputation of the EU in Serbia, “he told Stefanovic.

Among other things, Stefanović declared as debatable the statements of the head of the EU Delegation that the fact that Serbia did not open any chapter to join the EU for only one year “must be taken into account”.

Furthermore, he affirms that Serbia has done ‘a lot of things’ and that Serbia’s progress towards the EU is ‘evident’, that ‘the reforms have not stopped’, that ‘it must continue regardless of what has not been done’, that this year “the best has been done in terms of the economy” in Serbia, and the Serbian government has tried to get ‘better prices’, “said Stefanović.
