Stefanović: The dialogue between the government and the opposition will not be falsified through Minister Čomić – Politika


The latest statement by Minister Gordana Čomić, in which she says that “neither the Serbian Government nor the European Commission should interfere in the dialogue between the government and the opposition” is proof that the Vučić regime understood that it could not manage a false dialogue between the government and the opposition. is today the vice president of the Party of Freedom and Justice Borko Stefanović.

Stefanović: The dialogue between the government and the opposition will not be falsified through Minister Čomić 1Gordana comic photo: FoNet / Nenad Djordjevic

“Precisely for these reasons, the former DS member and Vučić’s sharpest critic was honored with the post of Minister for Human and Minority Rights and Social Dialogue,” said Stefanović.

He stated that the dialogue between the authorities and the opposition will take place under the auspices of the EU. The negotiations should result in a binding agreement that “will open a captured public service and give people the right to choose without blackmail, threats and pressure.”

“Today, when it is clear that the Government cannot interfere in parliamentary dialogue, the Minister of Dialogue admits it. “Vučić is upset that another attempt to mislead the citizens of Serbia and the representatives of the EU failed,” Stefanović said.

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