05/14/2020 20:15
The amount of earnings surprised the members of the cooperative, reason why they affirm that it is too high.

Photo: Print Screen
Stefan Karić was so angry with the production that he was punished that he threw the cup against the wall. While Stefan was complaining, he told the girl Ivana Šopić what her fee was.
That is, due to last night’s fine, he says he lost 3,000 euros, which is the amount he earns per week for participating in this reality show.

Photo: Print Screen
Marko physically attacked Luna? Djogani talks about all bruises (VIDEO)
05/14/2020 09:10
After his statement, comments began to pour in, and while some were on Stefan’s side, others were surprised by the amount of his fee, which they claim is too high.

Photo: Print Screen
Stanija Dobrojevic undressed in the middle of the forest? See who the star enjoyed! (PHOTO)
05/14/2020 15:41
Meet Miljana Kulić’s double: Thanks to her, social media is worse! (VIDEO)
05/14/2020 08:33