STEFAN KARIĆ CAME INTO THE COOPERATIVE AS A FREE CHILD! Ready to face Vladimir Tomović and Kristijan Golubović!


STEFAN KARIĆ CAME INTO THE COOPERATIVE AS A FREE CHILD!  Ready to face Vladimir Tomović and Kristijan Golubović!

Photo: Printscreen / Cooperativa

The presenter announced a new competitor, former cooperative member Stefan Karić, who admitted that he joined the Cooperative as a free child, and as he says, he is ready to face Vladimir Tomović and Kristijan Golubović.

Stefan karic
photo: Serigrafia / Cooperativa

“I met Kristijan before he joined the Cooperative. I could fight with him. He would talk about everything about my father and the fights, I love my father more than anyone,” said Stefan Karić.

“I was with Ana Korac for 7 months, we stayed well, we met by chance in Jahorina,” said Stefan, adding that he liked the girl.

“I come as a free boyfriend. I heard that the new participant Teodora is a good mechanic, it is important that we have common themes. I need to meet new girls, we’ll see. Some realities play more, them” I’m not honest. I can single out Jovan’s wife. I could say which one suits me, “said Stefan and admitted what kind of relationship he has with Vladimir Tomović.

“And now I’m nervous, I’m uncomfortable. I’m not on good terms with Vladimir, he blamed me for dating Mensur. I understand it too, I would probably blame him too. I will give him my hand, I don’t know if he will give it to me, but I will convert in a man, “Stefan said.

Stefan karic
photo: Serigrafia / Cooperativa


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