Statement from the mother who dragged the baby like a doll in Belgrade: For more money


Belgrade – The mother of SS (21), who came to light after the publication of the video in which she takes the baby by the hand like a doll, claimed that her husband forced her to behave like this.

Source: Blic

TV screen shot first

TV screenshot first

It should be remembered that SS was arrested by order of the Third Basic Prosecutor’s Office in Belgrade on suspicion of committing domestic violence and neglecting and abusing her seven-month-old son.

At the hearing, as “Blic” writes today, she claimed that her single husband beat her, as well as her three children, and forced her to beg and be rude to the child.

“My illegitimate husband forced me to have a child like that, he wanted the people in the car to see it, he thought that that way they would give us more money. I told him I wouldn’t use it like that, but he cursed, insulted and had to. So I did it for the first time “, he defended himself, as” Kurir “learned unofficially, in the SS hearing.

She allegedly said that she did not dare to oppose her husband, because he also beat children. He has been in pretrial detention for 30 days and faces up to five years in prison.
