10.31.2020. 10:21
The Slovenians, as he has said, give 45,000 euros of incentive to each young couple who decide to dedicate themselves to agriculture.

field, Photo: Hello / Vladimir Markovic
The Minister for the Care of the People, Milan Krkobabić, announced leasing of vacant state lands, up to 50 hectares, to young farmers without compensation, with a single obligation: to bring it to the purpose and culture in accordance with the standards of agricultural policy.
Milan Krkobabic said on the RTS morning show that joining forces is the only way for the weak to stand up to market challenges and for their product to hit the market and get paid.
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“We started in earnest four years ago in the history of cooperatives, to regain trust and we succeeded. 750 cooperatives were formed in Serbia in less than three years. What was shaken, lost, restored,” said the minister.
Krkobabic announced its support for young farmers, as there are 200,000 hectares of uncultivated state land in Serbia that has not been leased.
“We are ready to prepare the lease of that land, up to 50 hectares, to young farmers without compensation, with a single obligation: to bring it to the purpose and culture in accordance with the standards of agrarian policy,” said the minister.
The Slovenians, as he has said, give 45,000 euros of incentive to each young couple who decide to dedicate themselves to agriculture.
“We will see how much we can set aside as a stimulus measure,” Krkobabic mentioned, citing the idea of buying abandoned houses by local governments, which will be handed over to young farmers.
He also emphasized that the National Program for the Revival of Serbian Villages is important.
“It is a great book, produced by the SANU board for the village in cooperation with the cabinet of the minister, and the President of the Republic, the Serbian Patriarch Irinej, the head of the Roman Catholic Church in Serbia, Mr. Hocevar, the public and cultural workers supported this idea, “said the minister.