Starting tomorrow, Slovenia will once again recognize Serbia’s PCR tests


GOVERNMENT DECISION: Starting tomorrow, Slovenia will once again recognize Serbia's PCR tests


Starting tomorrow, Slovenia will once again recognize the PCR tests for the corona virus performed in Serbia.

The Government of Slovenia has decided that it will be possible to cross borders and checkpoints with a negative PCR test and a negative rapid antigen test.

The difference between the two tests is that the rapid test has to be carried out in the EU member states or in the Schengen area, and the PCR test can also be carried out in third countries or in institutions recognized by Slovenia.

Serbia is also on the list of countries from which PCR tests will be recognized, which was published on the website of the Slovenian National Laboratory for Health, Environment and Food.

However, rapid tests at the five border crossings that Slovenia has been working on since Christmas will be canceled, Slovenian media reported.

“As of Saturday, it will no longer be possible to carry out these rapid tests at our five border points. If you do not have a negative test, the only option will be to go to quarantine,” said Interior Minister Ales Hoys.

As for the termination of the quarantine, according to him, there are no changes, which means that the quarantine can be terminated after five days with a negative test.

The change is that as of tomorrow, the quarantine can be ended in that way by those who have a temporary or permanent residence in Slovenia, and no longer only Slovenian citizens.


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