STARTING TOMORROW AT 6 PM NEW MEASURES Detailed instructions for everyone entering Serbia, step by step, and where not everyone should go immediately.


Starting tomorrow at 6 p.m., new measures will be applied at border crossings for our citizens returning from summer holidays from four neighboring countries: Montenegro, Croatia, Albania and Croatia. Here’s how to go through the entire procedure in detail.

All citizens of the Republic of Serbia who enter the country after 6 pm tomorrow will, as is well known, under special health supervision. When crossing the border, they will receive a health warning, in which they will be informed about all the obligations that they are obliged to fulfill, indicated on the website

The first step that these citizens must take when returning to the country is the COVID-19 self-assessment test, which is available at this address.

Completing this questionnaire will help them better understand your general health and the test result will be an indication of whether to report to the Covid clinic.

Photo: Blic / RAS Serbia

The citizen who completes the test must print or save the result, so that the test test is presented.

Don’t go to a covid clinic right away

This means that citizens should not automatically visit the outpatient clinic upon return from abroad, but only those who receive such instructions through a self-assessment test.

This avoids unnecessary crowds at dispensaries and eliminates the danger that uninfected citizens could become infected with the virus during examination lines.

The supervision lasts 10 days.

The special health supervision period lasts 10 days, so on the 10th day after returning from abroad, citizens who did not receive instructions to go to the Covid clinic during the first test must retake the self-assessment test for COVID-19 .

If the results show that there is no danger of infection, the special health supervision will no longer apply.

Citizens who cannot complete the questionnaire online should call the Institute or Institute of Public Health in their city or municipality by phone and receive all the necessary instructions.

Failure to act is a serious violation of epidemiological measures.

Any non-compliance with the instructions of the health warning represents a serious violation of epidemiological measures and a conscious threat to one’s health, but also to the health of the entire population of the Republic of Serbia.

Risky and irresponsible behaviors such as these can relatively quickly lead to the reappearance and even faster spread of the coronavirus among the population, which of course does not benefit anyone and the Government of the Republic of Serbia calls on all citizens to strictly follow the instructions in the health warning.

Adherence to preventive measures remains the only safe and proven way to protect against coronavirus. Wearing a mask indoors, keeping your distance, as well as regular hand hygiene and disinfecting the space is essential for everyone and the only way to preserve our health.

The Government of the Republic of Serbia again appeals to all citizens to respect all epidemiological measures, without exception. Although citizens who arrived from abroad are at increased risk of infection, this does not mean that others who have not left Serbia should not be protected and continue to take all measures to protect themselves against the coronavirus. Until the appearance of the vaccine, only with iron discipline can we reach a common goal, and that is the final victory over the corona virus, and we will all achieve it without a doubt, according to the website of the Ministry of Health.

Let us remind you that those with corona symptoms will be sent directly to the Kovid ambulance from the border.
