Star Network in the Balkans – “Flatlanders” changed group name to “Round Earth”


Mustafa Sejdinović became the star of social media in the Balkans, as he managed to become the administrator of the group “Ravna Zemlja Balkan”, and as a first step he decided to change the name of that group to Okrugla zemlja / Round Earth Balkan.

He was member of a group that promoted conspiracy theories that planet Earth is a flat plate, which is a theory that has a large number of defenders across the planet.

Sejdinovic joined one of them for the Balkan-speaking area, and after becoming an administrator of the group, he changed his name, which quickly resonated on social media.

“They mercilessly erased all the ‘balloons’, so I had to hide and wait. And then yesterday, as ordered, they asked if anyone wants to be an administrator. I didn’t have time, I called, and imagine please, if they are my administrators! ”he wrote on his Facebook.

Interestingly, a group of people who do not trust world governments, NASA and many other organizations, without any verification, awarded him an administrator position.

“PS: I changed their name to Okrugla zemlja, and they cannot change it in the next 27 days,” concluded Sejdinović.

The group that nurtures the idea that the Earth is a flat plate is designed as a platform in which all the people who have a different opinion and opposed to the fact that the Earth is a flat plate, have nothing to look for. The description states that all people who do not think like them are excluded.

They were announced after Sejdinović managed to outwit them.

“We were so naive that we actually gave a man the admin when we didn’t verify him. That’s what we Earthlings know all about the planet, but we don’t know about the people who are one click away from the profile of find out who your manager is. ”

As Sejdinović said on the Miloš Milaković Podcast, many members of this group do not defend the idea that the Earth is a flat plate, but are there to have fun and follow what the people who really believe in it write. Sejdinovic said he changed the group’s name in the early hours of the morning, while most people were sleeping, so that someone else from the administrator would not notice and react to his move.

The group has 7,500 members.
