SSP: Stepanović said we have practically no prosecution


The lawyer and chairman of the Justice Committee of the Freedom and Justice Party (SAA), Vladimir Todorić, stated that all that Aleksandar Stepanović, president of the Belgrade High Court, told the KRIK portal that “we have practically no prosecution” .

Todoric said it was Stepanovic confirms “what many of us have been saying for years about the prosecution and Zagorka Dolovac”, it was announced from the SAA.

“Stepanović said that we have practically no prosecution and that there have been no prosecutions of officials for corruption in the last eight years,” he said.

According to Todorić, these words “would have to cause an earthquake not only in the judiciary, but in the whole country, because they were spoken by the man who leads the most important judicial body in Serbia.”

However, Todorić said that Stepanović “in this way removes responsibility from himself and the courts, which is ultimately true, because the judge and the court cannot decide who to prosecute, but the prosecution can,” while ” the judge judges elements that come to the table “.

Todoric explained that “the prosecution is a barrier and a filter, because it starts the process and decides if the accusation will remain in the drawer for five years, and if it will be a means of blackmail and pressure against someone”, that is: “Or we prosecute or it doesn’t become a question of political will. “

Plan to get out of the “spiral of insanity”

Given that the courts are overcrowded and the average judge has about 1,000 cases, the SAA has a plan “to get out of that spiral of madness,” he said.

“There are cases against banks, reserve lawsuits, against EPS, those are thousands and thousands of cases that the courts have covered, and these can be collective trials and thus improve the efficiency of the judiciary,” explained Todoric.

“We also have other proposals in terms of guilt, judge protection, witness protection, living wages for judges, and for certain large cases, for example, a month must be determined and the case must be completed. It is abnormal for Saric to be tried for ten years, “Todoric said. .
