Srdja Jankovic: the coronavirus epidemic is not yet over


A crisis staff member for the Covid-19 crackdown, immunologist Dr. Srđa Janković, stated on Novi dan on TV N1 that preventive measures have not been mitigated too quickly if we all maintain a sufficient precautionary measure. As he pointed out, physical distance remains crucial, that is, maintaining a distance of one and a half to two meters, as well as the use of protective equipment, masks and gloves, indoors.

Janković recalled that the epidemiological situation at the moment is such that there is no more room for a state of emergency and all the restrictive measures that it entails. Now, he added, we are in the phase of alleviating the epidemic, but to follow it to the end, it is necessary to comply with preventive measures,

“The essence is the prevention of contacts and the use of all protection measures where contacts are necessary (…) The activity of the virus is low, but the acceleration could occur if we gather as if there were no viruses. The essence is to avoid everything that can happen until the virus is transmitted. Right now, the only thing that’s dangerous is to act as if it’s over. It’s going well, but almost not, “he warned.

The doctor’s recommendation is that citizens keep a phytic distance and wear masks indoors. “Scattering people by a meter and a half or two can, in a significant percentage, if not prevent person-to-person transmission of the virus,” Janković said.

He also advised people to be very careful in contact with the elderly. As he said, it is possible to see your parents, but it is better from a distance while the virus is in circulation.

“I have not yet seen my mother. I communicate with her regularly and I will not tell her as long as there are viruses in the population … We hope that in a few weeks the amount of virus circulating will drop to zero or almost zero. Individually. “There may be diseases, but when it stops transmitting through the population in a systematic way, it’s safer to be in contact with precautionary measures,” Jankovic said.

The epidemic is canceled when there are no cases of coronavirus for 28 consecutive days, but the pandemic still continues, because there are viruses in many countries, explained the H1 interlocutor.

In this sense, a possible second wave of the epidemic will depend on global trends. “What will happen in the fall depends on how the virus will move globally, whether it will become seasonal, whether it will become an endemic pathogen, and whether it can go away. It is unlikely to go away spontaneously, but there is hope that in the future Predictable, but not in the shortest time, but in the next year or two, to have a safe and effective vaccine available, “he explained.

He said that the condition is improving day by day, and that the total number of patients with Covid-19 is decreasing, as well as the proportion of patients with a more severe clinical picture.

“Of course, there are still people on respirators, but the illness lasts a while, so the deceased’s curve is unfortunately expected to be behind the disease curve,” Janković explained.

When it comes to traveling, Janković said he is still looking for a model, but a trial of no more than 72 hours is sure to be a precondition for entering the country.

Soon everyone will be able to test for antibodies

Jankovic also explained that an immunological study would be performed on a random sample during the summer to find out how many people had found the coronavirus without showing symptoms or were undetermined, so the diagnosis was not made.

The sample is random, but systematic and selected by the methodology of a random sample to accurately represent our population and to be able to conclude the situation in the general population based on the results, said Janković.

Participation in the study is voluntary and any family who is contacted can refuse to be tested and therefore will not cause harm, because a suitable replacement will be chosen methodologically, he added.

When it comes to people who suspect they have been infected with the coronavirus and want to check for antibodies, Janković said it will soon become a routine test and everyone will be able to find out if they have antibodies or not.

Despite all the difficulties, the system, according to Janković, proved to be ready and the epidemiological curve stopped so that it did not start to grow exponentially. However, the further development of the situation, as it has been so far, does not depend exclusively on the system, but each of us should contribute. Therefore, Janković thanked all citizens who respected the recommendations of the expert team.

Although we have avoided the most difficult scenarios, victory can only be declared when the virus disappears, he said.

You can read all the information about coronavirus at Live blog and on pages Coronavirus.
