Srdja Jankovic on respecting the measures


The effect will not be positive if, for example, only in school the measures are respected, while in pop waters it is not done, said immunologist Srđa Janković, pointing out that in the fight against coronavirus it is important that everyone respect the measures of Crisbog headquarters, because otherwise the result will not be positive.

“If the situation worsens, then we couldn’t assess how much the opening of schools contributed to that, and how much other things contributed,” Janković told TV Pink.

As he emphasizes, everyone’s goal should be that the increase in the number of infected people does not occur, but rather fight for a downward trend.

“As soon as we allow its circulation to increase somewhere, it is reflected in everything else,” he added.

According to him, the mask has a purpose, it is justified and it is necessary, and not only in schools.

“In addition to the mask, it is important to maintain a social distance. This is the case not only in schools, but everywhere. They are the backbone in the fight against COVID-19,” Janković said, adding that it remains the primary weapon that will be “current”. until the invention of the vaccine.

As he himself says, the practice is to make it easier for children to tolerate the virus, but it has been shown in the world that there are exceptions, so it is important that everyone be careful.

“Of course, children do not have the most difficult clinical picture, but caution is necessary. It has happened in the world that some children have died of corona disease. When we say that children are not in danger, it is relative, the caution is necessary, “he emphasized.

As he explains, the collective wearing of masks can actually provide the correct effect in the crown fight.

Read more news about Kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world in the page Coronavirus.
