SRĐA TRIFKOVIĆ WARNING: Biden’s team wants to return the world to the 1990s, and that can be reflected in this area


Donald Trump does not give up. His Republicans are waging a legal battle over electoral irregularities.

Some US media are already announcing mass protests and violence if it is determined that there were irregularities.

The university professor and foreign policy editor of the American magazine Chronicles, Srđa Trifković, told the political magazine Pečat that there are reasons why this is being advertised.

“They count the threat of violence as a means of thwarting the Republicans’ determination to support Trump’s position,” Trifković said.

He stressed that many Republicans are “invertebrates” ready for any compromise and cited the example of Mitt Romney.

– There is a legal basis to question Biden’s “victory”, and violence can then occur without the influence of the media – says Trifković.

He stressed that big problems could arise if Trump supporters lose trust in institutions.

“We can expect miracles that we have not seen on American soil since the Civil War in 1861,” Trifković emphasizes.

He noted that many outlets announced months before the elections that Trump would not recognize the legitimacy of the elections.

“That’s because they knew that an electoral robbery was being prepared and they knew that Trump would react to it,” Trifković emphasized.

He stressed that the entire American media scene is under “tramphobicists.”

– It may not be Fox News, but they are not “pro-Trump”, they are simply not “pro-democracy” – Trifković explained.

He said that the transition team gathered around Biden wants to go back to the time of Bill Clinton, which can be reflected in the Western Balkan area.

– They are people who think that by returning to that policy since the 1990s, they can earn points in the short term, without costing them much – he says.

He points out that people on Biden’s team believe Moscow and Belgrade will stay out of it.

– Together with Trump, we have continuity and a more normal attitude towards Serbs and the Serbian question. Unlike a Serbophobic democratic team that fully internalized all the myths about “Serbian aggression and guilt” of the 1990s, Trifković noted.

He emphasizes that many cadres of the Democrats built their careers in Washington on such stories.


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