SPS in government in a modified format, Shapic, a ministry! New elections no later than April 3, 2022 (VIDEO)


Opinions in the SNS were different on how to form a new government, says the president of Serbia and the SNS, Aleksandar Vučić, after the meeting of the Presidency of the Progressives.

– Today we have defined six basic objectives. The government to be formed is of limited duration, and the last parliamentary elections, together with the presidential ones, will be held on April 3, 2022. That is point 1 – said Vučić.

As he stated, among the points is the fight for health, the fight against the corona virus.

The second, as he says, the most important task is to fight for the interests of our people in Kosovo and Metohija.

– That fight is difficult, we have been leading it for eight years, and I will not blame only the previous government for it, because that problem persists, and it culminated in 2008 – says Vučić, emphasizing that we need the unity of our people for that.

According to Vučić, the third point is the fight against the mafia and organized crime.

– All of our results are good, but in recent months, the war of non-Serbian clans has spilled over onto our streets. They thought they could do whatever they wanted – says Vučić, pointing out that the SNS will recommend him to the Prime Minister of Serbia.

Point 5 is accelerated reforms, especially those that address the rule of law in the context of evointegration and, consequently, we will have a new ministry of human rights.

sns presidencyPhoto: Aleksndar Slavković / RAS Serbia

sns presidency

As a sixth goal, Serbia will continue to strengthen economically, to have a career of more than 6% next year.

– This is a tremendously high goal, and the goal for the next two years is that collectively we will be the first in Europe. That means that we continue with all the projects, “construction of roads, hospitals, we have to do many things, to further strengthen the army and the police,” Vučić said.

SPS and SPAS coalition partners

The president of Serbia also said that the SNS itself has the majority to form the government. As he himself says, in addition to Ana Brnabić, he himself participated in conversations with those who passed the electoral threshold.

– We had different views on how it should be in the future. I accepted Dacic’s proposals more than he accepted mine, and we wanted to show that concern for Serbia is more important than the interests of the parties, Vucic noted.

He stated that the SNS respects the strength of the socialists and that it must also show humanity.

– We continue to work with them in a slightly modified format – said Vučić.

He also stated that the former head of diplomacy, Ivica Dačić, will be the new speaker of the Serbian Assembly.

As he said, he also had the opportunity to get to know the SPAS leader Aleksandar Šapić better.

– The man asked us to talk about the future of Serbia. I think Ana made an inadvertent mistake when requesting apartments for security services. To avoid tampering, we said the first 1000 should be applied. We will have to increase that house construction tenfold. For example, that was something we talked about – said Vučić.

He says he told her a few other things and that they easily agreed to work together.

– He will have a minister in the government, although he said he was willing to support the policy – said Vučić.

Speaking about the mandate of the new government, which is set until April 2022, Vučić says that this will be a “reform government in difficult times.”

– That is why it is of limited duration, so that no one can relax. This is the “trick of rehearsals” for what is to come – said Vučić.

As announced, the future Prime Minister of Serbia will present her exhibition next week, more precisely on Wednesday.

He specified that all the committees of the National Assembly will be formed on Thursday, the parliamentary group will present the bill of ministries on Friday, it will be considered during the weekend, the proposals will be voted on Monday and the presentation of the mandate holder is scheduled for Wednesday.

He also announced that the new government will have two or three new ministries, as well as that “representatives of national minorities will have a significant presence in the government in the positions of secretaries of state and directors of public companies.”

– They must be professional people, because state companies are not party cradles – he said.

He also noted that Dacic, as an experienced politician, will handle conversations with various groups, such as those who “oppose vaccination, don’t believe in the crown and express hatred towards migrants.”

On Sunday the composition of the new government of Serbia was completed

Speaking of the composition of the new government, the president of Serbia and the SNS said that another session of the SNS Presidency would be held on Sunday, when the point of what the new government of Serbia would be like would be known.

– We have two or three doubts, but everything will be known on Sunday – said Vučić, noting that it will include non-partisans and personalities from other parties, in addition to being a “good government”.

Asked if Police Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic is “one of the doubts,” Vucic said the ministry he headed had achieved excellent results in the previous period.

As he noted, Stefanović “will do important work in the security sector.”

“We will show that the state is stronger”

As he pointed out, “to all those who believe themselves stronger than the State, we will show them that the State is stronger.”

I ask people not to pretend to be deaf when they talk about someone coming to blackmail them.

– Who are you, a gang of gangsters to extort someone, to be stronger than the state? – says Vučić.

He claims that he will not give up “not even for a living.”

– As president of the republic, I have the right to go after the government to hit them (the mafia) on the head with a hammer – said Vučić.

Two points on the agenda

Today, the SNS held a session of the Presidency with two points on the agenda, he says.

One of them, as he himself says, was the celebration of the 12th anniversary of the SNS, which will be discussed more tomorrow, while the other was the election of state organs in Serbia and the election of new organs in Serbia.

– For us, as a party, it was important to think about what programs we are running and what we can do for citizens. We received great support from the people, and if the elections were to take place today, it would be even greater – said Vučić.

Presidency of the SNSPhoto: Aleksandar Slavković / RAS Serbia

Presidency of the SNS

As he said, what he pointed out is that with the great support and trust that you get there is always but …

– It was important to show immediately after the elections that we are ready to change, we changed 52 percent of the mayor and president of the municipality, and thus we show that we are ready to criticize ourselves – said Vučić.

The meeting lasted more than an hour

The meeting of the Presidency of the SNS began today around 5:00 p.m. and lasted almost an hour and a half. He spoke about the future government of Serbia, the coalition partners and the new ministers.

Earlier today, the president of Serbia met with SPS leader and long-term coalition partner Ivica Dacic, and later with the leader of the Serbian Patriotic Alliance Aleksandar Shapic, which was interpreted as a sign that both parties will be part of the ruling majority.

Before that, Dacic and Sapic spoke with the president for the composition of the new government, Ana Brnabic.
