Splashing fines in shopping centers; “Inspectors have been ordered to have no more tolerance”


In the past two days, citizens have been the hardest hit for not wearing protective masks, says Deputy Minister of Health for Inspection Affairs Dr. Goran Stamenković.

Source: Tanjug



He said citizens were being punished more frequently in shopping malls for applying new, stricter measures.

It indicated that 31 punitive measures were imposed, of which 18 offenses, 11 for natural persons.

He told RTS that in the past two days, inspectors found about five percent of the irregularities in 3,500 inspections. “Inspectors received an order that there is no more tolerance. Virtually zero tolerance,” Stamenkovic added.

He also stated that citizens more frequently violate the measures by not wearing personal protective equipment, that is, by breaching that part of the Law on Protection of the Population against Infectious Diseases.

“There are also a small number of restaurant owners who do not respect working hours, where certain inspection services sanctioned these violations,” Stamenković said.

He assessed that citizens are still “a bit relaxed” at the moment, because they may not have understood the situation enough.

“But the figures that are released every day, I think, let everyone know that respecting the measures is the job of all of us, and the inspection services must do their job to protect the Serbian health system,” Stamenkovic added.
