SPEECH BY THE SERBIAN BACKI: Many unjustly condemned him, and our patriarch was the embodiment of peace: he did not die, he sleeps


– Dear brothers and sisters, by decision of the Holy Synod, it is my duty to address appropriate words for this moment on this and at the same time joyful occasion. We are in the days when the world speaks, shouts and shouts, writes and announces peace, perhaps more than in the entire history of humanity. And yet in these days of ours, peace is not external, and especially internal, spiritual peace, as if it had never been further removed from humanity, even from Orthodox Christians. Why is this so? – the bishop began his sermon.

Bishop Irinej of Bačka said that Patriarch Irinej was at times exposed to unjust convictions: some said he was not modern enough, others that he was rigid, that he displayed an intolerance that was attributed to the church and the third that he was too lenient and willing to compromise.

– Blessed are the memories of our newly represented patriarch whose body lies before us, and his soul prays with us in this hour, separating from his body. Many are willing to judge and judge lightly for themselves, judging others. Thus, like all our archbishops, our blessed patriarch was unjustly condemned. Some spoke and wrote to his shame and ours that he was not modern enough, that there was no feeling for a modern man, and others that he was not rigid enough. And the third, again, is too lenient. None of this is true, because our patriarch Irinej was a man of peace, the personification of peace.

– All possible wars, sufferings, schisms, I had to survive all that and give a true response from Saint Sava and Kosovo-Lazarev to all that.

– That is why he was the favorite of the vast majority of people, especially those with spiritual and ecclesial awareness. They all understood the evangelical goodness that radiated from his personality. Faced with the greatest possible humiliations, she was able to remain calm and return attention and kindness to those who did her injustice.

– He did not die – he is sleeping – Bishop Irinej finished the sermon.

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