Spahic and Hodzic are losing all traces after the meeting with Vukicevic!


MYSTERIOUS DISAPPEARANCE OF MONTENEGRINS IN BELGRADE: Spahić and Hodžić are losing all traces after the encounter with Vukićević!

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In Belgrade, three days later, Vukićević was reported missing, while the Spahić family did the same in Bar. For now, at least officially, no one is looking for Hodzic. Montenegrin investigators are rolling the dice where Spahic was headed on October 14.

He spoke with his wife for the last time that day around noon and told her that he was “going to Podgorica on business.” The mobile phone signal, which was used by this Baranin, was last recorded at the base station, which covers the Union Bridge in Podgorica around 3 p.m. Shortly before that, the cameras filmed this Baranin in Spuž , where he was at the wheel of his “Audi A4” car, license plate Nikšić NK BU176.

– Since then, we have no more information about him – said Spahić’s wife, who denies that the case is related to the disappearance of her brother Damir Hodžić.

However, operational data from security services suggests that the two events could be closely related. It is now being investigated whether the two met that day and left together for Belgrade.

So far, no “Audi A4” car has been found, with which Spahić left Bar for Podgorica on 14 October. Investigators are focused, among other things, on gathering evidence for the claim that Spahic and Hodzic illegally crossed the border into Serbia that day to see Lazar Vukicevic.

We also learned that the disappearance of the two Barans is being “closely watched by agents of the Special Police Department”, because, as they told us, “the possibility that everything has something to do with the conflict of the Kotor criminal groups “.

“Novosti” previously wrote that there is operational information that before the disappearance, Vukićević spoke with Hodžić by phone. The Belgrade police do not rule out the possibility that Hodzic was “bait” for Vukicevic and that a Belgrade criminal group, close to the “Kavac clan”, was behind his disappearance.

Serbian police officers have indications that he was targeted from Montenegro when Hodzic arrived in Belgrade, allegedly a member of the Bar criminal clan whose leader until July was Alan Kozar, who was killed in Corfu with Damir Hadzic from Uzice. This bar team has long been known to be close to “touts”.

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