Sotirovski: Nis opens a temporary hospital in Kovid


The city of Nis plans to open a temporary kovid hospital as soon as possible, considering that the number of infected people is growing, said the mayor of Nis, Dragana Sotirovski.

“The kovid temporary hospital is most likely in the presidency. We will be ready to receive the first patients in ten days, if there are any,” Sotirovski said at a press conference after the City Council session.

He added that kovid’s temporary hospital will be of great benefit to the Clinical Center in Nis, considering that the Clinical Center receives patients from Kladovo to Presevo and that there is “a lot of pressure” on that health institution.

“The city of Nis will prepare the kovid temporary hospital area for the third wave of the epidemic in cooperation with the Serbian army, the Red Cross and other competent institutions,” Sotirovski said.

When asked by journalists how many newly infected people have been in Nis in the last few days, Sotirovski said that “it is not a question for her, but for the Clinical Center and epidemiologists.”

According to her, Nis is not thinking of declaring a state of emergency at this time, because the current situation in the city follows the situation in other cities in Serbia.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
