As the young man came to meet him, he paid no special attention, but the “old man” drew a pistol with the other hand from a wide jacket and shot him in the head and chest.
When the young man fell, the executioner approached him and fired more shots in the back of the head. The first findings of the investigation show that he fired at least four bullets at the young man.
– According to what is known so far, and based on the analysis of the video surveillance images, it was determined that the murderer was wearing darker clothes and disguised himself as an old man – says the source of “Novosti” of the investigation. – There is no doubt that this is a planned and well-prepared execution. The murderer knew exactly the movement of the victim that night and was waiting for him in a dark place, away from the gaze of passersby.

Photo: Facebook
He made for him a waitress in a makeshift parking lot to unload goods, behind a large supermarket of a well-known retail chain on Borska Street in Kanarevo Brdo.
It is presumed that the “old man” waited in the bush for Uskoković to park his “Audi”, pretending to perform a small urination. When the young man locked the car and went to the nearby building where his mother lives, the executor went to meet him and a few seconds later killed him.
On that fateful night, the young man went to his mother, who lives in one of the nearby buildings. No one heard the shots, or anything suspicious, not even the taxi drivers from the nearby taxi station. The killer is supposed to have used a silencer.

Photo: VN
The young Uskoković was not even two years old when his father was killed in Arkan’s bloody avengers campaign, considering that he was linked to the murder of Željko Ražnatović. It was killed after a spectacular daylight car chase in the Cerak and Vidikovac settlements in Belgrade.
At the place where he was killed, young Uskoković’s friends left flowers and candles on Sunday, as well as drinks for the rest of the soul. The murdered Uskoković has no criminal record, but the police are investigating whether he had contacts with the world of crime.
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