SON DISCOVER HIS MOTHER’S KILLER: Jelena killed a pensioner from Zemun, judge was shocked to present key evidence


As an electrical engineer, he used his knowledge and presented evidence pointing to the defendant. He handed them over to the police, who linked them to other evidence and thus solved this cruel murder in which an old woman was killed in her home in Zemun, and then transported to Krcedin, thrown into a container and set on fire. A few days after the report of her disappearance, only her charred body was found in that container.

Jelena Spagovic previously admitted to the murder in the courtroom, but denied the manner in which the crime was committed. In yesterday’s trial, Judge Zoran Djordjevic revealed that she was exposed by the victim’s son, when she addressed the aggrieved Dejan Garovic:

“I am amazed at the way in which he followed the communications of his late mother and found out about everything,” the judge told him. – I think some people from the police should come to you for training. We have a High Tech Crime Department, but this is how he did it, it’s admirable.

As a damaged witness, Dejan Garović said that he went to Germany on a business trip that morning, that he sent messages to his mother that she did not respond to, and that his father, who came home that weekend, informed him that it was nowhere. He said that he knew the defendant Jelena Špagović only by seeing him over the fence, because they were neighbors, and that he did not know that his mother had lent him money.

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