Someone who has not appeared before the people cannot make decisions.


The president of the Serbian Patriotic Union and New Belgrade City Municipality Aleksandar Šapić said tonight that the story about the expert government in Montenegro is a hoax and that decision-making in the country cannot be entrusted to someone. that has not been chosen by the people.

He noted as a guest on the “Hit Tweet” program that he does not want to deal with the formation of the government in that country, but that he is interested in its behavior towards the Serbian people who live in that area.

– The term expert government has been in fashion in our country lately. Someone has to track politics, someone who did not appear before the people and when the people did not vote, they cannot decide on something. The term expert government is used to flatter the people, it has been abused in the last 30 years – Šapić said, adding.

– I will not deal with the Montenegrin government and its formation. I am interested in how you will treat the Serbian people there. Our people had a lot of problems there. I want to take care of establishing good relations with the fraternal people. We have to deal with the Serbian people all over the world – declared Šapić.

“It is not easy to determine the appropriate measures”

Commenting on the current epidemiological situation in Serbia, as well as the reactions of some non-parliamentary parties regarding the introduction of additional measures against the coronavirus, Shapic said that it is very difficult to take appropriate measures at this time, and that the parties of opposition are sending a message that it is frivolous.

– Lately it has been fashionable in our political scene to ridicule everything, especially if you are from the opposition, the only thing that seems strange to me is how, if you plan to run for government, you make fun of what you could face if you come to power. It is not easy to find a measure right now, because there is always a profession that is in danger. – Šapić said.

“We do not know if Thaci will return from The Hague as a free man”

On the occasion of the departure of several leaders of the so-called KLA in The Hague, including Hashim Thaci, Shapic said that he should not be euphoric and that he still “does not know if Thaci will return from The Hague as a free man.”

– We do not know if Thaci will return from The Hague as a free man. As for the Hague Court, my position is that I cannot trust the court that acquitted Markac, Gotovina, Oric, Haradinaj, and I will not call anyone convicted before that court as a war criminal – Shapic pointed out.

“We can’t do anything with great powers”

When asked to comment on the congratulations that Zorana Mihajlovic sent to Joe Biden even before the results of the US presidential elections were officially announced, as well as some comments on the Serbian president and his signing of the Washington agreement before the end of the term of Trump, Sapic said:

– Zorana Mihajlović does many things that I do not understand and that I would do differently, but I will not comment on that. I am disgusted with some things that are happening in Serbia, or I do not understand anything or it is some kind of schizophrenia. Vučić was not in a disco in the USA, he was in the Oval Office, with the president of the most powerful country in the world, in the place where all the evils of the last 30 years began and from where, recently, the message was sent that without consulting Serbia you can make important decisions in this area. In these four years, American policy has been much more correct for Serbia. We have the right to fight for ourselves and to support Trump. If it turns out that the Biden administration will be more favorable to Serbia than Trump’s, I will support Biden in the next election. We cannot do anything with great powers, we can only be wise and intelligent and defend the interests of Serbia – said Shapic.

VIDEO: Meeting of Ana Brnabić and Aleksandar Šapić in the Government of Serbia
