SOME SKIING IN SUITS AND SAVING LIVES: “Novosti” in intensive care at Kovid hospital in Batajnica (PHOTO, VIDEO)


This is what doc. Dr. Dejan Markovic, anesthesiologist in the red zone of the intensive care unit of the newly opened covid-hospital in Batajnica, where patients from Belgrade and surroundings have been housed since Friday.

To enter the new Batajnica hospital, doctors have to pass obstacles between construction machines, get under cranes and rubble … Because the hospital started operations on Friday and construction is still going on. However, when they enter the red zone, there are no obstacles. All they care about is the status of the patients, which changes from minute to minute. On this day alone, 10 seriously ill patients arrived at the intensive care unit. Although the pressure is great and the hospital is new, everything is under control and the team seems to be well coordinated. The clinical center was replaced by the Batajnica hospital. They are waiting for another 60 young doctors to come to their aid, for whom it will be a baptism of fire.

– All our patients are on some type of mechanical ventilation – explains Dr. Markovic. – So far, 20 of them have been intubated. We are all critical and your condition changes from hour to hour. The youngest patient is only 23 years old. He had no accompanying illness, and in just four days he had inflammation of both lungs and came to intensive care. Now we keep it as a little water in the palm of our hand.

The patients being treated at Batajnica are of various ages: young, middle-aged, but also in their 90s. All are in the same torment and desire to collapse and see the door of this hospital again, but from the outside.

His shift lasts six hours. They spend so much under their spacesuits, without leaving the red zone and the rest the world of work is used to.

– For the intensive care unit, it is necessary to quadruple the number of nurses to save medical workers who are already working – explains the director of the hospital in Batajnica, Dr. Tatjana Adžić Vukićević. – It’s like moving to a new house, not to such a big hospital. We have to adapt to the new conditions. We have everything we need, from medicines to medical aids. A third of our patients, unfortunately, would have succumbed to the disease, had they not been hospitalized in these five days.


The newly built Kovid Hospital in Batajnica has 930 beds and in just over three days, almost half of the hospital was operational. On the first day alone, six trucks arrived from the central pharmacy full of medicines. 250 beds are planned for the intensive care unit, and at this time a building with 100 beds has been put into operation.

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