
Photo: Beta / Miloš Miškov
The Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), which has an absolute majority in parliament, has scheduled a session of the party’s presidency for Monday, which should be one of the most concrete steps towards the formation of a new government. Serbian President and SNS leader Aleksandar Vučić previously announced that he would discuss his proposal for president with his party colleagues, and during this week, his name should be announced to the public.
As Kurir learns, President Vučić will announce the name of the designated prime minister on Monday at 8pm, after the party’s peak session.
New circumstances
The future prime minister and his team expect at least five key challenges, which will have to be solved in completely new circumstances, Kurir’s interlocutors estimate. As they point out, in addition to strengthening the health system and fighting the coronavirus, or precisely because of that, the new government will have to show the greatest responsibility in the economy, but foreign policy remains at the top of the list of key tasks.
Cesid Executive Director Bojan Klacar says that in addition to these three challenges, the government will have a new mandate to address the Kosovo issue, but also an opportunity to create an environment with less tension between political actors.
– For the first time in 10 years, we are facing a drop in GDP and it is a great responsibility for the people who will be entrusted with taking care of the country’s economy. Kosovo, the biggest domestic and foreign policy issue, will undoubtedly be the center of attention, the only question is whether the legally binding agreement will be mentioned less or more often. The new government will also show how the Washington agreement will come to life in our foreign policy and what kind of relations await us with the EU, bearing in mind that we will most likely end the year without a closed chapter. The government will have a purely political issue in front of it, and it is how to lower tensions between key political actors and welcome the next elections in an environment without so much polarization, Klačar estimates.

We don’t change course
The director of the Center for Foreign Policy, Dragan Đukanović, points out that the diplomatic activities and the direction of Serbia will largely depend on the US presidential elections, but also on the situation in the EU.
– It will depend especially on the evaluations of the next European Commission report on the progress of Serbia. In that context, many challenges will appear, first around chapters 23 and 24, then in relation to the dialogue with Pristina and, of course, due to insufficient harmonization of Serbia’s foreign policy with the EU. When it comes to military neutrality, it should be noted that there is no pressure to join NATO, although it is often thought about. But that does not mean that the acquisition of military equipment from Russia or China will be viewed favorably from the West, Djukanovic explains.

Some of the SNS think they have a rented chair
In an interview with the Austrian daily Klein Zeitung today, Vučić announced that foreigners would recommend more significant changes than expected in relation to the formation of the government. When asked why there is still no government in Serbia, as his SNS won convincingly in the parliamentary elections at the end of June, and whether there will be coalition partners in the government, Vučić replied that forming a government is not easy, because there are people in your party who think so. a rented ministerial chair.
– Other parties also believe in this, although the SNS itself has a clear majority in the Assembly. I am convinced that there will be many changes, because when you get such great support from the voters, then the citizens are in favor of continuing with the general line, but that does not mean that they are absolutely satisfied. There was a lot of corruption and many got it wrong or didn’t work at all. Therefore, I will recommend more significant changes than expected, and that will be visible in the coming days – he concluded.
(Kurir.rs/Ivana Kljajic)

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