SOLUTION FOUND: Three insurance companies are rescuing travel agencies


“We had a very constructive meeting with these insurance companies, and I want to thank them for their understanding in solving this problem,” Ljajic said. – Based on the criteria and standards they have defined, insurance companies will continue to issue insurance policies to those agencies that meet these conditions. The agencies have sent letters to these three insurers requesting data on operations and balances, and as soon as this information is obtained, “Triglav”, “Globos” and “Dunav osiguranje” will begin to issue policies.

Minister Ljajić expects the issuance of the first insurance policies for travel agencies to start next week. At the same time, discussions with banks on the activation of bank guarantees as a second model, which should work in practice in the future, and allow the stability of agency work and the safety of tourist trips, are in progress. its final phase.

By the way, insurance companies avoided working with agencies because they were too risky. Now, only those who work legally will remain, through accounts to pay their arrangements to foreign partners. Now they will ask everyone to see what the business is about, so that they decide themselves who they will work with and who they will not. Where there is less risk, they will do business. This means that they will individually assess the business risk. The state will continue to negotiate with the banks, to provide bank guarantees, and if the insurers give up again, there is an alternative.


INDIVIDUAL policies are the best permanent solution to the problem of securing travel arrangements through travel agencies. This would not significantly increase the cost of travel arrangements. Insurance costs are still coming in and increasing the price of these deals, said Marija Matijevic, president of the Association of Serbian Travel Agencies. As he stated at the conference of professional associations UTAS and ANTAS, the individual policy model is already being applied in some Western European countries, and that has proven to be good.

As of October 1, travel agencies in Serbia could no longer sell the arrangements, because they were left without licenses, because the insurance companies did not want to extend the policies, which are necessary for their work.

– The essence is that in all history, policies are the only good solution for agencies – said Aleksandar Senicic, director of the National Association of Travel Agencies of Serbia. – You just have to agree on how it will be done. It shouldn’t be like before, with flat rates. It would be good for us to extend it to three months now, under the most favorable conditions, and then sit down and agree how to work starting in January next year.

On the other hand, there is an option for these insurance companies to agree with the travel agencies and their mandatory travel insurance policy. More precisely, that the passenger will not be able to choose who to pay for travel medical insurance, but it may be included in the price of the agreement.

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