Solar panels will experience a “boom”, application whenever possible


Belgrade – A new law on energy efficiency, expected to be adopted soon, could create a “boom” in the application of solar panels.

Source: Tanjug

Photo: Depositphotos, elenathewise

Photo: Depositphotos, elenathewise

This is the case with the Serbian Chamber of Commerce (SCC), which should keep a register of energy service providers.

The SCC claims that the use of solar panels will be possible whenever possible, and that a large number of small producers could make a large virtual generator of renewable energy sources.

“As a private person, as a small consumer, you can build, for example, solar panels in your private facility or in a commercial facility and use that energy for your needs,” said Miroslav Lutovac, advisor to the president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

This, he points out, reduces the consumption taken from the electricity supplier.

Lutovac adds that in periods when consumption is lower than production from renewable sources, shouts can be placed in the energy system, since the new renewable energy law, whose approval is also expected soon, foresees that at the same time time someone can be both a buyer and seller of electricity.

“If it starts in the way and with the planned support, I expect significant investments in the next period, not only systemically, but also from individuals,” Lutovac said.

This, he explains, will open up a large space and reduce the overall pressure on Elektroprivreda, as one of the largest providers, but also on the entire system and will contribute to stability.

Lutovac affirms that the formation of associations will be allowed, that is, cooperatives, which will allow small producers to organize themselves in a certain way and present their energy surpluses from renewable sources, in an economic sense, in a better way.

“When you have small strengths, you are not representative, you are not interesting because of the trite, but when you increase and unite your capacities, then it is a completely different story,” says Lutovac.

According to him, the Registry of Energy Service Providers will be voluntary, it will register companies that provide energy services and as such it will be a support to all entrepreneurs who want to start improving energy efficiency.

“We register all companies that are engaged in this activity, in our regular contacts with businessmen we promote this idea,” said Lutovac.

He explained that entrepreneurs will have a frontier to find companies in which they register with data on what type of services they perform, what are the results, what is the satisfaction of their customers and in that sense he hopes that their choice will be easier.

The new legal solutions contemplate the implementation of a new auction incentive model, so that participants compete by offering the best price at which they are willing to sell energy from renewable sources.

It is also planned to establish the Directorate of Financing and Promotion of Energy Efficiency as a body within the Ministry of Mines and Energy, instead of the current Budgetary Fund to Improve Energy Efficiency.

This will allow the funds to be available to the public, both for the acquisition of energy efficient products and for the improvement of the energy efficiency of residential buildings, since in the previous period the funds from the budget fund were destined to the units of local self-government.

According to the SCC, this will encourage investments that will contribute to the reduction of energy consumption in all sectors, the reduction of the negative impact of the energy sector on the environment, that is, climate change, and the improvement of citizen standards.

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