So are the borders of Serbia from 6 pm!



18.09.2020. 20:37

A new epidemiological measure of special health supervision for all citizens of Serbia and foreign nationals with temporary or permanent residence returning from countries with an unfavorable epidemiological situation – Croatia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina – came into force in Serbia tonight at 6:00 pm

Border, Montenegro

Frontera, Montenegro, Photo: Tanjug / Rade Prelic

During the day at the Gostun border crossing with Montenegro there were miles of traffic jams and tonight there are no vehicles. The same is true in Batrovci.

Citizens entering Serbia are obliged to report to within 24 hours and take a self-assessment test for kovid-19, after which they will receive instructions from the doctor on future actions .

Do you follow measures against the coronavirus?

Before the measure went into effect, many rushed back to the country. So in the afternoon, a kilometer-long crowd formed at the Gostun GP with Montenegro. It took up to two hours.

From that border crossing from midnight to 6 pm, 3,200 cars entered that border crossing, 10,000 citizens.

Tonight, the situation is completely different: the border crossing is almost completely empty, reports RTS.

There are no cars and only a small number of trucks wait at the border.

border, Montenegro

border, Montenegro, Photo: RINA

There is no crowd at the Batrovci border crossing with Croatia tonight, unlike in the afternoon. Border officials say there have never been fewer vehicles and passengers at this time of year than before. Tonight there are no crowds at Belgrade’s “Nikola Tesla” airport, and the same thing happened today.

Sanitary inspector Rasa Milanov told RTS that passengers crossing the border crossings pass the sanitary control and that the thermal imaging cameras installed cover all incoming passengers and check passengers in high temperatures.

If the passenger has a higher temperature, he separates and enters the area for temporary isolation. He is interviewed with all precautions.

If there is a suspicion that it is covid, an on-call epidemiologist from the City Office is called in and a decision is made whether to go into quarantine, isolation or isolation for treatment, Milanov said.

Border, Montenegro

Frontera, Montenegro, Photo: Tanjug / Rade Prelic

During the afternoon, traffic on the Adriatic highway increased due to the return of citizens of Montenegro. At the Preljina toll station, at the toll station, the vehicle is stopped for 30 minutes, reports Roads of Serbia.

On the Miloš Veliki highway, during the weekend, in the afternoon and at night, a higher intensity of traffic is expected. Along the Miloš Veliki highway, information about delays at toll stations and the state of the highway will be displayed on portals with interchangeable traffic signs.

That the Crisis Staff call was taken seriously is also confirmed by the full train that arrived this morning from Bar to Topcider.

Although the train runs for almost three weeks, after a break of several months, Montenegrin conductors convey the impression that the season lasted only one day: today. It has been full since the introduction of the new measures.

“The composition was expanded, and only compared to yesterday, 170 more passengers were transported. The train that left Bar at 7:00 pm was full, carrying 250 passengers and 17 cars, ”says Dragana Stankovic from Srbijavoz.

Srbijavoz has taken all measures to prevent the spread of the virus, cleaning has been further intensified, sitting exclusively by the window, the number of people in the cabins has been reduced.
