SNS OFFICIALS ABOUT FOREIGN ALIENS: Eliminate the criminal cabal targeting Vučić


The vice president of the progressives and mayor of Novi Sad, Miloš Vučević, openly pointed out that there are people in the SNS who think they are “stronger than Vučić” and that he spoke about it at the main meeting of the party on December 29.

– There is a clique in the party that has been established through the executive branch and that has probably taken over part of the control of the state system. I also mean ministers. I told Vučić that we have to clarify it – Vučević pointed out.

Commenting on the case of FSS President Slavisa Kokeza, who refused to undergo a polygraph examination regarding his possible involvement in the preparation of Vucic’s assassination, Vucevic said he was only partially surprised. He also claimed that he was suffering when the president said that his family members were monitored and in danger.

When asked what is happening in the SNS, he replied that it is not about 700,000 SNS members, but 10 to 15 people who came to power:

– Obviously, they have little power, now they want to be presidents, prime ministers. And yes, I have their names in my head for a long time, but I have no proof. I told Vučić about them.

Milenko Jovanov, vice president of the SNS, reveals for “Novosti” that Vučević, when he spoke about these structures at the CSO session, received a long and loud applause. This, in Jovan’s view, clearly shows that the party people are well aware of what is happening and that he was telling the truth:

– On the other hand, I think that none of those people were aware of the magnitude of what Miloš was talking about and that the information that appears every day is really shocking. The party’s response must be decisive and there must be no guesswork. Earlier, at the initiative of President Vučić, the party made it clear that it did not intend to tolerate “mangups in its own ranks” and strongly opposed people who abused the trust of the people, but also the trust of the party. So it must also be this time.

Vladanka Malović, a member of the SNS Presidency, also points out for our document that it is now clear to everyone that there are individuals “who can hardly be called people who took the opportunity to strengthen themselves financially and politically while the President resolved the most important state issues” :

– While Vučić was fighting for Serbia and our people, some were building criminal networks, polishing snipers and waiting for the best moment to fire a bullet at the head of state. This group is extremely dangerous and for a long time, certainly with our political opponents and foreign power centers, it implemented a plan to criminalize the Vučić family, the ultimate goal of which, I am convinced, was the liquidation of the President of Serbia.

Malovic points out that the party will easily deal with evil phenomena:

– We will eliminate them, because our task is clear: to work hard with a clear face, to help President Vučić to make Serbia a strong and independent country. But the state faces a difficult task: to carefully find and show the public all the people of this ruthless and creepy group, from those who are at the head of this organization, as well as all the helpers of the criminogenic and state structures.

Political analyst Dragomir Andjelković says for “Novosti” that as long as Vučić’s rating is so high and as long as the party is based on his personal image, nothing can put him in danger:

– There are groups within the SNS, but I think that none of them is capable of attracting a more significant target group, that is, doing something on their own. I think some of them imagined that they could lead an independent policy and forgot who brought them to power.



The SNS is a big and strong party, and the largest party in Southeastern Europe. Unfortunately, it is true that Vučević is right when he warns that among the hundreds of thousands of party members, there are those who work in their personal interest, and not in the interest of those for whom the SNS exists, and that is the citizens of Serbia. Those people should not be part of the party, and the SNS will be even stronger without those people – says, for “Novosti”, Zorana Mihajlović, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Mines and Energy and member of the Presidency of the Progressives.

He pointed out that it is especially important to investigate everything related to the wiretapping of the President of Serbia and the monitoring of his relatives, and that those who participated in it and cooperated with members of criminal groups are imprisoned together with them.


The Freedom and Justice PARTY reacted to the speech of the SNS deputy Nebojsa Bakarec in the Assembly, in which, as they say, he requested the liquidation of the former director of the BIA and president of the SAA, Dragan Djilas. That is, during the debate in the Assembly, Bakarec requested notification to the Ministry of the Interior and the BIA about the conspiracy against President Vučić, stating that the meeting of the former head of the BIA, Sasa Vukadinović, in Trieste confirmed that there was a broader conspiracy , and then added:

– Imagine that the former head of the FSB meets with Navalny. Do you know how it is solved in Russia? This is solved by leaving you out. He claimed that the conspiracy aims to protect the endangered interests of certain opposition leaders, representatives of the old regime and individuals from the ruling structures.

The Speaker of the Serbian Assembly, Ivica Dačić, stated that Bakarec did not make any threats:

– People may not have listened, and now some say that he threatened to kill and said that the opposition should be assassinated like in Russia. If that were the case, we certainly wouldn’t allow him to say such things.

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