
If the elections were to be held on Sunday, the list around the Serbian Progressive Party would get 57.8 percent of the vote, the SPS / JS coalition 12.5 percent and the Alliance for Serbia, if it went to the polls, 7.3.

This is shown in the latest investigation by the agency “Factor Plus”, according to which the census, which is three percent for this election, would be crossed by three more lists: SPAS by Aleksandar Šapić, who would earn 4.3 percent, the Serbian Radical Party 3.1 percent and the Free Citizens Movement three percent. .

Photo: RAS / RAS Serbia

The director of the agency “Factor Plus”, Vladimir Pejić, says for “Blic” that the SNS rating jumped slightly after the epidemic and that the complete list of the SNS was included in this investigation for the first time.

“That jump is a consequence of the situation we were in as a state in the previous period,” says Pejić.

The SPS / JS coalition has been slightly strengthened, which is likely the result of mobilization and fieldwork since before the crisis.

Photo: RAS / RAS Serbia

– Although the media went into the background, it did not affect the rating, they even had a slight jump: our interlocutor points out and says that it is realistic for the socialists to take between 10 and 15 percent in the elections, which will largely depend on the bell.

When it comes to the Alliance for Serbia, he claims that it all happened and that there is a lot of confusion among the people who would vote for them.

– Considering that they announced that they would boycott the elections, there are certainly respondents who did not declare themselves – explains Pejić.

He says Shapic’s 4.3 percent result is perhaps the biggest success as he kept the rating even though he was not in public.

– The SNS had a lot of state work, they approved and applied measures, criticized part of the opposition, and those who are otherwise more restricted, came to light less and that is why this rating is a success, he says.

Pejic says PSG was at five to six percent before the election, but that it fell after they announced a boycott, after which they moved to the background.

Photo: RAS / RAS Serbia

– With the last events, they refocused. I think this is just a time that is passing and that they can grow, says Pejić and affirms that the biggest challenge for PSG will be bringing voters to the elections.

When it comes to the themes that will dominate the campaign, up to 76 percent think it is the economy, 65 social problems, 36 crowns, 21 Kosovo and Metohija, 11 percent of the European Union, migrants 10 percent, four human rights, while 12 percent think that the topic will be something else.

Photo: RAS / RAS Serbia

– As expected, everyone is more interested in the economy and social problems. This was the case even before the state of emergency, and is now further emphasized due to projections so that the crisis we are going through can affect everyone, including us. The crown is also an important topic, we see doctors on television every day, there is talk for days about the infected, the dead, the cured, everything is still very fresh. The government will put the results and measures it brought to the fore, and the opposition will criticize it. It is interesting that Kosovo is alone in fourth place, which is a matter of timing – concludes Pejić.

The crown is already forgotten

When asked “Can the coronavirus affect the conduct of elections in Serbia?”, Up to 80 percent responded negatively. On the other hand, 16 percent believe that it will reduce participation, three percent did not respond and one percent that the coronavirus will postpone the elections.

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