Snow is coming soon! The well-known meteorologist Marko Čubrilo announced what awaits us in the next period



22.10.2020. 18:48

He wrote that cooling and rain await us in the next period, but that all that is still uncertain.

storms, weather forecast, winter, snow, cold, rain, people

storm, weather forecast, winter, snow, cold, rain, people, Photo: Tanjug / Jaroslav Pap

Our famous meteorologist Marko Cubrilo published on his Facebook profile what awaits us in the next period in terms of weather forecast.

Friday during the day, mostly sunny and warm for this time of year, with the maximum temperature of 20 to 25 degrees, while cooling is expected in the following days.

The morning will be cold, sometimes foggy that can linger into the afternoon., in most places and with light frosts on the ground, and light frosts are expected locally at a height of 2 meters.

At the end of the day, a gradual increase in clouds is expected in the north. The wind will be light to moderate, from the southwest. Lowest temperature -1 to 9 degrees, highest 20 to 25 degrees. It will be cool in Belgrade in the morning, in some parts of the city with fog. Mostly sunny during the day.

Our famous meteorologist Marko Čubrilo announced on his Facebook profile what awaits us in the next period regarding the weather forecast.

He wrote that cooling and rain await us in the next period, but that all that is still uncertain. The beginning of November could bring cool nights and relatively warm days, after which stronger cooling is possible.

Wind will be light, from the southwest on Friday. Minimum temperature of 2 to 9 degrees, maximum around 23. On Saturday morning in the north and west, and during the afternoon and in other parts cloudy with rain with a slight drop in temperature. Starting on Sunday, moderate to completely cloudy and somewhat cooler, with occasional rain.
