SNAPPING, KISSING AND SOME ARGUMENTS The king of sketches reigns supreme, but young hopes point to the deputies are NOT BORING at all


If the day is known in the morning, there will be rappers, kisses, hugs in the new assembly, and there will be a small discussion and quarrel with (un) friends big or small, visible, that is, invisible. Or simply with Little. Siniša Mali. Only a few masks will be used, even if they are visible, and some opanak. Again, this does not mean that the microphone can handle it all.

Wednesday’s parliamentary session made new members of the government official, but also promoted the new old hitmakers behind the parliamentary rostrum. Thus, the “show” was stolen from the ministers by young deputies of the SPS and SNS not yet tested and two hardened “legislative wolves”. In fact, there was a higher percentage of “beardless” among the new “butlers.” Almost none of them, except the minister, look at the miracles, wore a mask for social dialogue between Gordana Čomić and the Minister of Health Zlatibor Lončar. Furthermore, with clean cheeks, the ministers, led by Prime Minister Brnabić, kissed and hugged the new, equally “beardless”, Speaker of the Dačić Assembly. In fact, it was only one of the six events that marked the debate on the new government (see box).

The executive director of the agency “Factor Plus”, Predrag Lacmanović, points out for “Blic” that the day before yesterday in the assembly showed that the parliament will not be so boring.

– What happened in the Assembly, rap, performances, plays, skits … says a lot about how we are as a nation. We are not a rigid nation and that is transmitted in some way to parliament. Therefore, the rap of a young socialist can be somewhat comprehensive. In that way, she managed to draw attention to herself and her party. She showed that she wanted her word to be heard. I suppose she will remain active and it will depend on what her next speeches are if this was all good or bad for her. On the other hand, the young progressive drew attention to himself with his sloppy speech. He probably didn’t do well under the porch, explains Lacmanović.

As he says, distraction is already a proven strategy for Dragan Markovic Palma.

– As the leader of the minority partner SPS, which is always near the top of the government, you do not want to be in the shadows. He is known both as a politician and as a person who wants to always be in the center of attention and that is why he does not agree, in sporting terms, to warm up the bench. That is why he constantly sketches in the Assembly, emphasizes Lacmanović.

The fact that most of the ministers and the president of the Assembly did not wear masks when kissing and hugging sends a bad message to the public.

– If the government is already adopting epidemiological measures, then government representatives must respect them. This is how they send the message of not being afraid of Covid 19. It is obvious that after a series of weeks in which we had a relatively favorable situation, we relaxed and that only now, when the number of infected people increases, we could return to think everyone – concludes Lacmanović.

What marked the debate on the government?

1. Rapping

The new member of the SPS, Jelena Mihajlović, has not yet won the office of Prime Minister, but the final part of her presentation in the Assembly cannot be called anything other than Prime Minister. For the first time, the deputy struck in parliament and that part “belonged” to the young socialist.

Photo: Tanjug / youtube

– I will try a little in the way of the generation to which I belong and in art – Mihajlović said before starting to “throw rhymes” in the middle of the Assembly, to the surprise even of the presumed Assembly President Ivica Dačić.

2. The enemy

The newly elected SNS deputy, Luka Kebara, found an invisible enemy in the room: the opposition, which does not have a single representative in parliament.

– Listen to the opinions of others, the opinions of minorities and the opinions of the opposition. Well, we remember in the last call to parliament, we had a lot of problems with the opposition. In particular, some representatives of the opposition, some of their deputies destroyed the inventory in the National Assembly. They destroyed the inventory of parliament. And we allow it, just to show that we are the ones who insist on democracy. Well, some of our envoys were also physically attacked – Kebara addressed the “invisible enemy”.

3. Siniša

The king of the “superfluous speech”, the leader of JS, showed that it will not be easy for the young “socialists” and “progressives” in the race for the title of first “hitmaker” in the Assembly. On the day of the government debate, Palma tried to argue with Finance Minister Siniša Mali at the start of his speech in parliament, after seeing the former mayor of Belgrade leave the room.

– Where are you going, Sinisa? Many important things, because you couldn’t learn anywhere what I wanted to tell you – said Palma.

He then asked Dacic to send the transcript notes to Mali later, only to declare after the “deaf phones” that the Finance Minister was “working with money.”

– In my case, it is said that when someone works with money, it is always said that money is born, then there is some surplus, so let me tell you where to redirect that surplus, but it does not matter – said Palma.

4. Shoes

Photo: Nemanja Nikolić / Courier / Photos provided

The most important day in the work of the Assembly was marked by different combinations of deputies’ clothing, and convincingly the most diverse was the president of the United Peasant Party, Milija Miletić, who entered the parliament in elegant suit and sandals. To praise, he also wore a mask on his face.

5. Mask

Photo: / screenshot

The President of the Assembly, Ivica Dačić, and almost all the ministers, led by the Prime Minister, Ana Brnabić, acted in the Assembly as if there was no crown. When the government became official, they all hugged and kissed without masks. The only ones wearing face protection were Gordana Čomić and Zlatibor Lončar. In addition, during the greeting with Lončar, Dačić also donned a mask. Interestingly, even the epidemiologist and the new Labor Minister, Darija Kisić Tepavčević, could not resist the direct and unmasked hug and kiss from the Speaker of the Assembly.

6. Microphone

Although it did not elect a technical government, the Assembly was also able to deal with technical problems, since at one point the microphone was so blocked that Prime Minister Ana Brnabic only managed to say in a loud and clear voice to the new ministers of the third attempt that “it is a great honor to serve your country. “

VIDEO: The MP raps in the Assembly
