
In the insect world, there has been a change in throne: pesky mosquitoes that roamed in the summer have been replaced by equally pesky stink bugs in the fall.
“Every year the same story, as the colder weather arrives, they start pouring into the apartment,” Ivan Markovic of Belgrade told the BBC in Serbian.
The bed bug infestation is one of the main topics these days in Serbia, and on social media, in addition to photos, shots and the comments that there are many of them, they were overwhelmed by “recipes” on how to get rid of them.
The deratization, disinfection, disinfection services these days have their hands full and receive dozens of calls a day precisely because of the bed bug.
Experts say that the unpleasant smelling substance is not dangerous for people, but that bed bugs serve to defend against birds, but they say there is no cure for them.
That is why they advise, if there are few, to throw them by hand, and they do not agree on whether the places where they like to come should be sprayed regularly.
What are stink bugs?
Aleksandra Zatezalo, an entomologist at the Serbian Institute for Nature Protection, told the BBC in Serbian that this species belongs to bed bugs.
The body resembles a knight’s shield, which can be of various colors, most often green or dark brown.
It can grow from 12 to 17 millimeters.
They got the name of the stink bug from the specific smell they emit when they feel threatened.
Some say it reminds them of the smell of coriander, some of the smell of marzipan, but for most it is unpleasant.

Why are there so many of them?
They live scattered throughout nature, but with the arrival of cold that changes.
“They gather and seek shelter from the cold,” says the entomologist.
He adds that nothing special attracts them in our home, except the heat.
“They feed on plant juices and pose no danger to humans,” says Zatezalo.
Perhaps the most important tweet I’ll write: how to get rid of a stink bug without killing it!
Mix peppermint essential oil with water and spray on window and door fixtures, screens, and other crevices where the stink bug could enter.Tested, IT WORKS !!! Only 2 for the whole day, until the dew was a flock!
– Bluesbaba (@ bluesbaba2) October 4, 2020
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What people say
“We live on the 13th floor, but obviously they don’t care, because they are good flyers. The worst thing for me was a few years ago when our youngest daughter was born, one night I got up to give her a pacifier because she was crying and since it was dark, at first I didn’t notice that the stink bug was hooked inside the pacifier. At the last moment, I realized that she was there, so the pacifier did not end up in the baby’s mouth, “says Ivan Markovic from Belgrade.
The next day he thought he had found a solution.
“I bought nets, the ones with the smallest possible holes and I put them on the windows and on the terrace. We also tried the mint plant in a pot on the terrace and somehow managed to minimize the number of these attacks, although there are always resourceful people who find a niche.
Tanja, who lives in New Belgrade, has a simple solution.
“When I hear them hitting the chandelier, I don’t feel well. So I just tell the child: here she is and he goes to get toilet paper and quickly rolls it up and flushes it down the toilet. He reported that he became a bed bug hunter.” , she says.
How to defend them
There is no real cure for stink bugs.
Although on social networks you can see several homemade recipes, solutions based on garlic and vinegar, experts say that it is impossible to prevent stink bugs from reaching where they intend.
Along with garlic and vinegar solutions, which may help temporarily, or if you have a small number of these pesky window “occupants”, your entomologist also advises spraying with insecticides that can be purchased at agricultural pharmacies.
The company “Biodez”, which provides deratization, disinfection and disinfection services in residential and commercial premises, assures that the only way to repel the beetles is by “spraying with solutions for flying insects in somewhat stronger doses”.
“Everyone is trying to find a solution and the most practical way to solve them, but to prevent them from coming, that is impossible,” they say from this disinsection company.
These days they are busy getting dozens of calls a day due to the stink bug.
“We spray solutions for flying insects in slightly stronger doses with hand pumps,” says the company “Biodez”.
Windows, frames, as well as the blind boxes they love to settle in are usually well sprayed, blocking the way to where they would breed for the winter.
However, the dean of the Faculty of Biology, Zeljko Tomanovic, told H1 Television that spraying with preparations is pointless, because stink bugs are very resistant.
“I even think there is no preparation, they have no natural enemies, because that is not their existence,” he said, adding that the nets on the windows are the only solution.
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