SMOKE COMES FROM YOUR MOUTH: Shocking details of rescuing a girl (15) from a burning apartment – EVERYTHING HURTS ME!


Construction workers Niko David, Nemanja Držajić, Lazar Ereš, Nenad Janković, and Pavle Gavura became heroes of the nation. On the occasion of the feat, the boys had a formal reception at the Belgrade City Assembly. On that occasion, Deputy Mayor Goran Vesić presented them with awards and plaques.

One of the younger heroes, Nemanja Držajić (20), claims that he and his colleagues are not aware of the brave feat, but that the screams and cries of the girl, who called for help from the burning apartment of a large building height on Visokog Stevana Street, still reverberate in their heads.

“The fire pushed her to the edge of the terrace, and she screamed from her heels and begged for help. We had no time to waste, we immediately devised a plan to tie a colleague with a rope and then drag him and the girl to the floor from below – for us, the girl jumped into his arms, and in the next second the fire collapsed the roof of his terrace, ”says Držajić.

This man from Pancevo, who worked with four other heroes in the rehabilitation of a nearby building, explains that after the rescue, the girl only managed to tell them that she was in pain, while smoke came out of her mouth.

“She simply said, ‘Everything hurts, thank you,’ and then she smiled. We found her mother the next day and she thanked us with tears,” says the young heroine.

We remind you that the teenager suffered third degree burns in the fire and had to undergo surgery yesterday. Even after the great feat, these heroes of Pancevo continued to think about the fire girl, so they started an action to collect help.

“We call on all people of good will to help this brave girl, who is waiting for a long recovery. We hope that her condition improves, so that we can meet officially,” he said. to be operated.

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