18.11.2020. 22:12

Chaba Der kills with a smile, Photo: screenshot
Alen Ziegler (40), alias “Cat Man”, from Subotica, accused of complicity in the murder of Nebojsa Markovic (37) on January 5, 2019 in Banovo brdo, denied his guilt in the trial in the Belgrade High Court, “Alo!” The murderer Čaba Der (39), accused of killing Marković, previously confessed to the crime and is being tried in absentia in Serbia.
– On the eve of yesterday’s trial, he told his defense lawyer Milan Drača from Belgrade through a lawyer in Hungary that his life was in danger and that he had to kill Marković. He will be questioned during the trial through international legal assistance – says the source “Hello!”.

Killed by mistake, Nebojsa Markovic, Photo: Private archive
In yesterday’s preparatory hearing, the prosecution and defense presented evidence for two hours. Attorneys Slobodan Ruzic and Aleksandar Aleksic, Zigler’s defense attorneys, declined to comment after the trial, nor did Milan Drac. The witnesses will be heard at the next trial, scheduled for mid-January, and then Ziegler will present his defense.
Markovic was reportedly killed by accident and the target was his brother-in-law Aleksandar Sarac (35), who died on October 26 after being seriously injured in the garage of the “Usce” shopping center.
Both are accused of aggravated homicide with complicity and the illicit production, possession, carrying and trafficking of weapons and explosives.
Killed while packing a baby carriage
Nebojsa Markovic was brutally murdered in front of the family home on Saturday morning while packing a baby carriage. The man in the white jacket, who turned out to be Chaba Der, stepped out of the white “point”, smiled, pointed the CZ-99 pistol at the victim, and fired multiple shots in the chest and head. A few seconds later, the killer sat on the “point” and went in an unknown direction.
Markovic’s murder was recorded by a camera from the surrounding building, and the video shows a car stopping, from which a man in a white jacket comes out, takes a gun from his bag and shoots him, then enters the vehicle and runs in an unknown address.
Der was released from prison a little over two years ago, where he was imprisoned for the murder of criminal Branislav Jelačić in 2004.
He was arrested in Prague on March 1, and in addition to Serbia, which is seeking him for this murder, Spain, the Netherlands and Hungary, to whom he was extradited on July 18, also demanded his extradition.
He is accused of homicide in the states mentioned that demanded his extradition.
Ziegler was arrested in Subotica shortly after Markovic’s murder, and is suspected of driving a “point” car at which Der drove and fled the crime scene. He was also released from prison for many years in October 2018, and three months later found himself behind bars again.
Zigler is from Subotica, he is known to the public by the nickname “Cat Man” due to the famous Subotica prison break. He was released from prison in 2018 and the police have known him for years. He ended up in the KPD in Kruševac at the age of 14, from where he also escaped several times.

Chaba Der approaches Nebojsa Markovic and shoots him, Photo: Prince Screen
The Center for Social Work said Allen had a difficult childhood. His parents were alcoholics and, at the age of less than six, the Center took him away from his family, according to a neighbor’s report.
– He was an abandoned and neglected child. They placed him in a foster family, but he was unable to adjust. He always ran away from them and returned to his family, whom he loved just as they were. Then a friend of his parents appeared when he loved and approached him. Thus, they placed him in a children’s home in Subotica, which no longer exists, and there he began to commit crimes with other children, they said after being arrested at the Social Work Center.
The friendship between Čab Dera and Zigler dates back to their home in Subotica.
However, after one of the robberies, Allen was arrested and ended up in the Subotica prison, from where he managed to escape over the wall, for which he was nicknamed “Cat Man”.
– Alen’s big problem is that when he started the first grade of primary school, he was rebellious and they always looked at him differently. He repeated first grade and the school suggested that he get classified, and they classified him as easy retarded and sent him to a special school. I never forget. It was a great disgrace and shame to him because he really was not a retarded child. He is highly intelligent and emotional, but educationally neglected, informed sources at Subotica said.
He escaped from the Kruševac KPD on a couple of occasions and before he left he committed another crime. After that, he spent three years in prison in Sremska Mitrovica. Thanks to a social worker, she was given the opportunity to buy an apartment.
Allen was arrested again and sentenced to 12 years in prison, and after his release, he continued as before. He stole again and was arrested again. This time after the robbery of the exchange house in the center of Subotica.
After that, it ended up in Zabela. He was released from prison at the end of October 2018. He got a job at a local utility company, worked hard, cut wood, but as his acquaintances say, he quit due to a small salary. While in prison, he met a woman with whom he wanted to start a family.
After serving his sentence in Mitrovica, he continued to commit crimes again. It was with Čaba Dera from Čikerija that he began to commit robberies.