Small number of new cases, but now this is worrying! Here’s what it says about the new strain of coronavirus


DOCTOR ĐERLEK ANNOUNCED: Small number of new patients, but now this is worrying!  Here's what it says about the new strain of coronavirus

Photo: Printscreen TV Pink

The number of people suffering from the coronavirus is decreasing, the Secretary of State of the Ministry of Health, Mirsad Đerlek, said today, noting that this is because citizens adhered to the measures and that reckless actions, such as organized celebrations, could endanger.

Djerlek said the best news for citizens ahead of the New Year is that the vaccine has arrived and the immunization process has begun, noting that the vaccine is a powerful weapon to resist the cruel third wave.

“The number of patients is decreasing, but the worrying thing is that we now have 9,732 patients in hospitals and the health system continues to suffer,” emphasized Djerlek.

According to him, the bacterial infection is resolved with antibiotics, but the only cure for a viral infection is prevention, that is, a vaccine.

He called on the public to respond to the vaccination and affirmed that the 700 who have been vaccinated so far are followed 24 hours a day and that so far no serious side effects have been noticed.

Mirsad Đerlek
photo: Printscreen TV Pink

“It would be a shame to spoil the great result that we are advancing with some reckless moves,” said Djerlek, commenting on the appearance of parties and gatherings in houses, and asked citizens to celebrate the next holidays, such as Saint Nicholas, in a homey atmosphere.

Regarding the new strain of the vaccine, Đerlek says that at the moment it is such an attitude that the existing vaccine also affects him and that for now we should not arouse panic about it, although it is true that it is 70% more contagious, but neither more difficult. clinical pictures.

Djerlek also says that it is realistic that in addition to the Pfizer vaccine, Sputnik V and the Chinese vaccine can be expected in Serbia in January, noting that all vaccines are fantastic.

photo: Tanjug / Jaroslav Pap

“It is important that we vaccinate as much as possible and create herd immunity. All vaccines are fantastic and the one that comes first should be used. There is no need to be against it, the vaccine saves lives, the crown is bad,” he said. Đerlek.

KBC Zvezdara Crisis Staff Dr Dejan Trailov says that there is a slight relaxation of the third wave, but that it refers more to the health system than to citizens.

As he stated, they don’t have to feel the pressure of hospital vacancies every day, so they can provide better and more timely help to those in need.

“Citizens should not understand what I said, that is why they should no longer take care to respect the measures, on the contrary, it means that they worked well and that they should continue like this. Trailov.

(, TV Pink)

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