12.12.2020. 20:26 – 12.12.2020. 20:40
There were opportunities to go abroad and change identity. I asked him why he wouldn’t accept it. There were very different offers.

Photo: Alo.rs/ Illustration
When Milosevic fell, Maric said that Slavica was humiliated and forced to do some humiliating jobs, as well as that her son could not get a job and had to go to Lisbon. She also said that she received him with dignity, although she was not one of Milosevic’s favorites, but that she still left and was present during his last days in Villa Mir when he was arrested.
– It was a family and personal tragedy. I am by nature someone who thinks that then I should be with the man, regardless of his color. I finally went to jail to examine Ratko Mladic and talk to him. That was at the time when I was the president of the Assembly and did not ask for the consent of the president of the state and of my party. He knew that it could happen that when he returned he was no longer the President of the Assembly. I haven’t really talked about that before. Unfortunately, Ratko Mladic was not what I thought psychologically, but he was broke when I spoke to him, but he greeted the Speaker of the Assembly. He said, “I heard you are a good neuropsychiatrist. If my psychic status must already exist in some files, let someone in a state position and an expert do it.” In fact, he said on the radio that he would like me to review it and I went and did.
Who invited you to Villa Mir near Milosevic?
– The leadership of my party has formed a team that must be there and communicate with the citizens of one side and with the president of the party. There were more of us and in the end I was left with two or three people. It was necessary to see how every day from Slobin’s surroundings, how the day of his arrest approached, how his friends, family, personal, his partners in state affairs were slowly disappearing. When Sloba went to The Hague, her first birthday there, we were supposed to mark the party delegation by going to The Hague and she said she would like me to be in that delegation. That was the date my close cousin got married, asking me on a date for when I would be there. I told him I would go to The Hague a second time and then the phone rang and I said to Slobo, “Hi Slavica! What’s the problem with you not wanting to come to The Hague?” and I told him I would come, when he was already calling me. They explained to Slobi that she had a wedding that day because she didn’t have the heart to do it. Then he called and said the arrival was being postponed a week after the day we were all scheduled to go. Then he told me that they wanted me to be in that first delegation precisely because the first one is remembered, and the others will be repeated – said Slavica Đukić Dejanović on the program “Ćirilica”.
Was he aware that what he was fighting had been thrown into the dust?

Slavica Đukić Dejanović, Photo: Hello! / Dejan Briza
– There were opportunities to go abroad and change my identity. I asked him why he wouldn’t accept it. There were very different offers. However, it did not occur to him, although he was aware of the arrest in Belgrade and his transfer to the Central Prison, and that it was a step towards the arrest in The Hague. I went to Kostunica, who said I could swear to everyone that Sloba would never go to The Hague. I was with Djindjic who said: “You socialists can cut your wrists anyway. He will be in The Hague. I am here because he will be in The Hague.” What is realistic is that the event itself is historical, an extension of our compulsively repeated national case. As a nation, we have once again participated in the deprivation of life and liberty of the people of our country – said Slavica.
– I was aware of everything, as well as its ending, but I wanted the sequence of events to be exactly as it was. He actively participated in all that. “My people don’t love me anymore and I have no right to that,” Milosevic told Slavica when she asked him why he didn’t accept the offer to leave the country. I told him that Karadzic was also hiding, to which he told me that his people are roaring. I think he was guided by that and thought like this – Djukic-Dejanovic explained.