Slavko Ćuruvija Foundation on the reversal of the verdict: the agony continues


The Slavko Ćuruvija Foundation is unpleasantly surprised by the decision of the Court of Appeals, five and a half years after the start of this process, to overturn the first instance verdict for the murder of journalist Slavko Ćuruvija and return the case for a new trial. who have been waiting for justice for 21 years.

Since the court of first instance, after four years of trial full of controversial decisions, handed down a ruling in April last year, the decision of the Court of Appeals has been awaited for almost a year and a half, the Foundation said in a statement. .

It is recalled that the two members of the Department of State Security convicted in the first instance are still under the so-called house arrest, while the state does not show that it is doing anything with regard to the extradition of the defendant Miroslav Kurak, who is on the run. .

We hope that the court of first instance will consider this case as a priority and efficiently, and that the new verdict confirms the penalties that the organizers and perpetrators of this crime have already received once, the announcement states.

Once again we point out the importance of this process for the safety of journalists and freedom of expression in the country where journalists were killed, bombs and houses were set on fire, and we call on national and international institutions and the public to follow this process to the end, says the Slavko Curuvija Foundation.
